1 How we prevent infection
2 Ch Innate Immunity
3 Complement hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/chapter31/animation_quiz_1.html
4 White blood cells - leukocytes
5 Phagocytosis hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/chapter31/animation_quiz_3.html
6 Inflammation
7 Interferon hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/chapter31/animation_quiz_2.html
8 Natural Killer cells
9 Ch Adaptive Immunity
10 Lymphocytes
11 Humoral vs. Cell-mediated Immunity
12 Lymphoid tissues
13 Antigens and antibodies and antigen receptors
14 Antibody diversity
15 B cells - activation and memory
16 B cells - activation and memory
17 APC - antigen presenting cells
18 T cells - T helper cells
19 T cells - cytotoxic T cells
22 Ch Immunological disorders
23 Hypersensitivity - 4 types Allergies Cytotoxic Immune-complex Delayed
24 Type I - Allergies
25 Type II - Cytotoxic
26 Type III - Immune Complex
27 Type IV - Delayed (Cell-mediated)
28 Organ transplants and immunosuppression
29 Immunodeficiency
30 Ch Diagnostic Immunology
32 Applications
33 Applications
34 Applications
35 Applications
36 Applications
37 Diagnostics - quick and sensitive