Major Approaches to Studying Leadership 1.Heredity 2.Graphology 3.Astrology 4.Phrenology 5.Traits 6.Behaviors 7.Contingency Theories 8.New Frontiers
Leader Behavior Theories of Leadership Leadership Theory Use of Authority Overall Orientation McGregor’s Theory X & Y Autocrat vs. Participative Likert’s 4 Systems Autocrat Benevolent Autocrat Consultative Participative Harvard Studies Task vs. Social Michigan Studies Job vs. Employee Centered Ohio State Studies Initiating vs Consideration Structure Managerial Grid Production vs. People Narrow DefinitionGeneral Definition
Leadership Questionnaires : Scoring Keys Leadership Style Questionnaire Total of: a+d+e+g+j+l+m+o+r+s = “X” Score Total of: b+c+f+h+i+k+n+p+q+t = “Y” Score “Y” - “X” = score T-P Questionnaire Task = (R) (R) People = 3+5+8(R) (R)+19(R) (R) (R)+35(R) Where (R) means you reverse code the responses
Managerial Grid 1,9 9,9 Country Team Club 5,5 Middle of the Road Push for Impoverished Production 1,1 9, High Low Concern for People Concern for Production
Tannenbaum & Schmidt Manager’s Use of Authority Area of Freedom for Subordinates Styles of Leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency theory Leader- Member Good Relations Poor Relations Relations Task Structure Leader Power Position Structured Unstructured Structured Unstructured Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Leader Production Employee Production Style Centered Centered Centered VerySituational Favorableness Very Favorable Unfavorable
Path-Goal Theory of Leadership LeaderSubordinateSubordinate BehaviorPerceptions Outcomes Type of Subordinate Type of Task Directive ValenceEffort Supportive ExpectancyMotivation Achievement InstrumentalityPerformance ParticipativeSatisfaction
Hersey and Blanchard’s Life Cycle Theory Task Behavior Low High High Low Relationship Behavior Maturity (Readiness) Level of Subordinates High Low
Vertical Dyad Linkage Model (Leader-Member Exchange LMX) Leader Out-group In-group
Operant Approach to Leadership (Leader Reward Behavior) AntecedentBehaviorConsequence S B +R D Discriminative Behavior Positive Stimulus Response Reinforcement Leader Behavior
Substitutes for Leadership CharacteristicsRelationship Task Substitute for Leader Behaviors Subordinate Characteristics Ability & Experience X Need for Independence X X “Professional” Orientation X X Task Characteristics Routine Tasks X Clear Feedback provided by Task X Intrinsically Satisfying Task X Organizational Characteristics Formalization X Cohesive Work Groups X X Org. Rewards Outside Leader’s Control X X
Transformational Leadership Three Characteristics: 1. Charismatic Behavior - instills pride instills faith instills a sense of vision 2. Individual Consideration - delegates to stimulate learning a Human Resource Style 3. Intellectual Stimulation -encourages development of new ideas encourages rethinking old ideas encourages risk taking Contrast to Other Leadership Theories: A. Focuses attention on the leader per se not on leader-subordinate relations. B. Focuses on the total organization
Attribution Theory of Leadership Traditional Leadership Theory L P Attribution Theory of Leadership P L Successful Leaders: Those who are able to attach themselves to successes and disassociate themselves from failures.
Time Span of Discretion President A President B Action 1 Outcome 1 Time Span of Discretion Action 2 Time Attachment Process
Putting it all together Classification Schemes e.g., Content vs. Process “Use” Perspective e.g., Selection & Placement vs. Training & Development Leadership Themes Executive Leadership
A Thematic Approach to Leadership Transformational TransactionalConditional Organization Individual Group Renewal Compliance Commitment Leader VDL Path Life Contin- Decision Reward Goal Cycle gency Making Transformational
Executive Leadership Selection of the Leader Behaviors Organizational, Group, Subordinate Performance Retention, Succession Individual Differences Attribution Transformational, Attribution Theory Conditional, Theory Transactional