Pop Quiz – Self assessment What is the difference between… – decoding and encoding – phonemes and graphemes – sight words and decoded words – phonological awareness and phonemic awareness – phonemic awareness and phonics – two key aspects of phonics instruction – developmental sequence of phonics instruction (five levels) – developmental sequence of phonemic awareness (three levels; nine elements)
Previewing Words Their Way Chapter 1 Three layers of English orthography (the writing system of a language): (1) Alphabet (2) Pattern (3) Meaning
Stages of Spelling Development Stage 1: Emergent Spelling
Stages of Spelling Development Stage 2: Letter Name - Alphabetic Spelling Early Letter NameMiddle-Late Letter Name
Stages of Spelling Development Stage 3: Within Word Pattern Spelling Early Within Word
Stages of Spelling Development Stage 4: Syllables and Affixes Spelling
Stages of Spelling Development Stage 5: Derivational Relations Spelling
Words Their Way Ch. 1 p. 19 ** (and inside cover): Mapping Reading, Writing, & Spelling Development