K-3 English Language Arts Common Core State Standards Job Alike Session #2 Foundational Skills 3:00 – 4:30 & 3:30 – 5:15 “ Foundational skills are necessary and important components of an effective, comprehensive reading program.” Oregon ELA CCSS
SessionTopics #1Introduction to ELA CCSS #2Reading Foundational Skills Part 1 #3Reading Foundational Skills Part 2 Closing the Gap #4Reading for Literature #5Reading for Informational Text #6Language (Vocab, Grammar, Usage) #7Writing & Language (Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization #8Listening, Speaking and Assessment
Content & Language Objectives Content Objectives: o Teachers will understand the vertical and horizontal alignment of the Foundational Skills Standards in the ELA CCSS. o Teachers will identify where the Foundational Skill standards are taught in Reading Street. Language Objective: o Teachers will read, write and discuss as they build an understanding of Foundational Skills standards and identify where they are taught in Reading Street.
Reading: Foundational Skills Pre-assessment What I Know What I Want to Know
Reading Foundational Skills 4 Components of Foundational Skills o Print Concepts (K-1) o Phonological Awareness (K-1) o Phonics and Word Recognition (K-3) o Fluency (K-3)
Let’s Explore… Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Independent Work: o Read down through each standard at your grade level. o Read across the standards K-5 PHONICS AND WORD RECOGNITION o Appendix A: Foundational Reading Skills + Something new or something that surprises you ! Something you would like to learn more about ? Something you have a question about Vertical & Horizontal Alignment
Table Discussion: Go Around Protocol 10 mins. o Form groups of 3 o What is the same/different at your grade? o What do you notice about how the standards increase in complexity and rigor across the grades?
Meeting the Common Core State Standards with Reading Street o Phonics and Word Recognition & Fluency o Standards -left column o Units and pages - right column o Description of instruction –bottom of each box Reading Street
Gr. 3 Phonics 1. Guided Walkthrough - o Weekly Planner Page - Unit 2, pages 150d & 150e o See Spelling & Phonics, 173k -173l & Phonics, pg. 173i -173j 2. Partner Activity - Meeting the standards using Reading Street o Materials Needed: - Unit 2 TE, SF Handout and Activity Page - Complete activity with a partner Reading Street
Gr. 3 Fluency 1. Guided Walkthrough: Weekly Planner Page Unit 2, 174d & e 2. Partner Activity: Meeting the standards using Reading Street Materials Needed: o Unit 2 TE, SF Handout and Activity Page Reading Street LaBerge and Samuels described the fluent reader as "one whose decoding processes are automatic, requiring no conscious attention." Such capacity then enables readers to allocate their attention to the comprehension and meaning of the text. Juel, 1991
Locate yourself on the Compass As you think about closing the achievement gap in Foundation Skills for Black and Brown students, locate yourself on the compass
Reading: Foundational Skills Post-assessment What I Found Out Further Questions
Thanks for Coming! Next Session, please bring… Teacher Edition Unit 3 ELA Common Core State Standards