Key information from TCU’s assessment of Men’s rush
Fall Recruitment Numbers 567 Men participated in recruitment 367 Men were extended bids 200 Men released from the process (35%)
Membership by Fraternity ChapterOut of stateTexas% From TexasForeignTotal Beta Theta Pi895136%140 Delta Tau Delta665645%3125 Kappa Sigma264568%71 Lamba Chi Alpha586451%4126 Phi Delta Theta306869%98 Phi Gamma Delta506155%111 Phi Kappa Sigma832523%2110 Pi Kappa Phi904734%137 Sigma Alpha Epsilon148184%1 unk96 Sigma Chi525551%1 unk108 Sigma Phi Epsilon %1 unk147
New Member Classes Beta Theta Pi43 Delta Tau Delta42 FIJI28 Kappa Sigma18 Lambda Chi Alpha36 Phi Delta Theta32 Phi Kappa Sigma30 Pi Kappa Phi38 Sigma Alpha Epsilon27 Sigma Chi35 Sigma Phi Epsilon39 64% of the men who participated were invited to membership
2015 Plan Target of 40 bids per fraternity Target of 45 new members by 2018 Each new member will sign a housing contract committing to living in the chapter house Each fraternity will have two members attend every Summer orientation session All fraternities will supply IFC with a target date for 50/50 membership (in state/out of state)
Theta Chapter’s 2015 Rush GOALS 1.Yield 45 – 2014: Gave 29 bids, 18 accepted = 62% yield. 2015: Rush 125 names, give 75 bids, get 45 = 60% 2.Profile – Class must be 40% non-Texas, have an average ACT >28 and average SAT > Transparency – Committee must keep AA & Chapter updated, actions (incl finance) must be transparent. 4.Clean - No violations of chapter, HQ or TCU rules and no mud-slinging. 5.Alumni – Must have at least 2 events coordinated with alumni group.
Diversity of 27 “Bid Accepted” Diversity of 64 Best Prospects
The 27 “Bid Accepted” PNMs
Another 22 in-flux PNMs
15 “Cut” Legacies or Rec’d by Legacy