Jim Berglund’s Bridge Lesson 6 Basic Calgary 2 over 1
2 Over 1 is a significant enhancement to 5-Card Majors, which improved Standard American and is now part of the SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card) Two Key Principles: 1.2-level bids over partner’s Major Suit openers will be forcing to game. (1 ♥ -2 ♣, 1 ♥ - 2 ♦, 1 ♠ -2 ♣, 1 ♠ -2 ♦, and 1 ♠ -2 ♥ are the only relevant auctions) However: 1 ♦ -2 ♣ is NOT typically a game force although it is forcing one-round, and may begin a 2.If opener opens one of a major, and responder bids 1NT, that is a one round force. Opener may not pass. These fundamental changes allows 2/1 players to quickly identify game going and slam invitational hands using low level bids. “Slow Shows. Fast Denies”
1.When partner is a passed hand; a passed hand cannot force to game. 2.If partner opens 1 ♣ 3.If partner opens 1 ♦ (except 1 ♦ – 2 ♣ ) 4.A 2 ♠ bid over 1 ♥ is not 2/1 (it is normally played as pre-emptive and weak or as a splinter in support of hearts) 5.Over Opponent’s Interference, including doubles ♠ After an intervening overcall, responder's new-suit bid shows a long suit and decent values, but it is not forcing to game. It could be as few as 8-9 pts, if you have a strong suit. ♠ After an intervening double, responder's 2-level bid of a new suit is weak (5-9 pts.). ♠ After an overcall or a double, a 1NT response is standard (7-10 pts. with a stopper) and is not forcing.
J5 A1084 QJ2 AK83 WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P2♠2♠ P? With Standard American, you have no good game forcing bid. ♠ 2NT is only invitational; ♠ 3 ♠ is invitational with 2 ♠ and minimal values; A red suit bid implies a 2-suiter; ♠ a bid of 3 ♥ would show four Hearts, but better, longer clubs. 3NT is too unilateral. ♠ If partner has 6 spades, 4 ♠ may be the best match point contract, and you may even be missing slam. With 2/1, your first bid is a game force, so you have much greater flexibility, and can bid 2NT, knowing partner can’t pass. ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
QJ76532 A5 KQ7 8 WNES 1♠1♠ P2♦2♦ P2♠2♠ P4♠4♠ P? With Standard American, you have no idea if partner holds: ♠ 9 ♥ KJ ♦ AJ10642 ♣ A93, where 6 spades hasn’t a hope, but 6D makes, or ♠ K10 ♥ KQ6 ♦ AJ964 ♣ A93, Where the spade slam is cold or ♠ K8 ♥ Jx ♦ A10876 ♣ KJ93, where 4 ♠ may go down 1, 2 or 3 on diamond ruffs With 2/1, in the first two hands he can explore for the right slam, and in hand three, partner would not make a game force, ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
1.It is usually taught that you need ‘a better-than-opening hand’ to bid 2/1 (a good 12+ HCP is the standard) 2.You should also have one or two good suits to bid 2/1 3.You do not require a fit 4.If you have a 3NT bid (13-15 points with 2-card support for partner, you should bid it) 5.If you have a game-forcing raise for partner, you should bid 2NT (Jacoby,) asking for partner to bid a singleton at the 3-level, or a second 4-card or longer suit at the 4-level 6.I believe, however, that if you have a hand where you know game is definitely makeable, you may bid 2/1 1.You hold ♠ 963 ♥ 8 ♦ A ♣ void and partner opens 1 Spade. Please bid 2 ♦ 2.You hold ♠ ♥ KQ8 ♦ void ♣ KQ652. Partner bids 1 ♠. Feel free to bid 2 ♣. You should be looking for slam!
Jacoby 2NT shows 4-card support and is used to elicit more information from opener After 1 ♥ (or 1 ♠ ) – 2NT - ?, here are what the following bids mean: 1.Any 3-level suit bid (other than the trump suit ) shows a singleton (not a void) in the suit. 2.Any bid at the 4-level shows a 4-card suit with distribution. 3.A rebid at the 3-level is strong, and shows or or or possibly a hand with a void 4.A jump to game is the weakest bid and shows distribution 5.A bid of 3NT is called ’Serious 3NT’ and is the strongest of hands and asks partner to start bidding first and second-round controls (Aces, Kings, singletons or voids ‘up-the-line’ (in the order they occur). Holding ♠ Q1084 ♥ 87 ♦ AKQJ ♣ K43, you’d bid 4 ♣ - not 4 ♦. When partner bids 4 ♥, you bid 5 ♦ if he now bids 5 ♥, you bid 6 ♦, and you’ve described your hand perfectly.
1.Rule: With 3 or more cards in partner’s suit, raise it. 1.You hold ♠ AK963 ♥ 8 ♦ AKQ3 ♣ 432 Always bid 3 ♣ 2.You hold ♠ ♥ void ♦ AKQJ10 ♣ 654. Always bid 3 ♣ (you’ll never get another chance to show partner a fit) 2.Rule: You should rebid a 5-card suit if you have no better bid. holding ♠ ♥ AQJ ♦ 876 ♣ AJ or even ♠ AKQJ10 ♥ AQJ ♦ 876 ♣ A9 Just bid 2 ♠. Partner will bid again! Note that this does NOT indicate a 6-card suit OR a minimum hand – just no better bid! WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P?
3.Rule: Bid 2NT with minimal hands with stoppers in the other 2 suits ♠ K6432 ♥ AQ9 ♦ K76 ♣ 65 Bid 2NT. You’d like the lead to come to your hand if you end up playing it 4.Rule: Don’t jump needlessly. Take your time ♠ AKQ432 ♥ Q ♦ KQJ87 ♣ 5 Just bid 2 ♦. Partner will bid again ♠ AK65432 ♥ 8 ♦ K87 ♣ 52 Don’t bid 3S or 4S. Just bid 2 ♠. Partner will bid again WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P?
2-way 2-level transfers New Minor Forcing X-Y-Z Jacoby 2NT Bergen Raises 4 th Suit Forcing Flannery Mini-Roman Constructive Raises Inverted Minors Flannery Adjunct Modified Reverses Lebensohl/Rubensohl Etc. Don’t Panic! These will all be discussed in future lessons and you don’t have to use them all. PROBLEMS WITH 2/1
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♣1♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKQ10783 void AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♥1♥ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKQ10783 void AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♠1♠ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ void AKQ10783 AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 876 A5432 AQ QJ5 WNES 1♥1♥ P2♣2♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ108 KQJ543 4 QJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q KJ542 A43 K654 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 654 AKQ76 KQ3 62 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKJ8 AK K32
1.2-card support and 5-12 HCP 2.3 card support and or HCP (and no 4-card spade suit) With the better hand, plan to bid 3 of his major as your next bid With 8 +/- HCP and 3-card support make a constructive raise to the 2-level 3.4-card support and HCP (and no 4-card spade suit) With 8 +/- HCP and 4-card support make a constructive raise With HCP and 4-card support make a limit raise to the 3-level 4.5-card support and HCP (Tactical bid) Bid a constructive raise with an Ace or a King and 5 to 7 HCP Make a limit raise with 8 to 10 HCP Bid game with 11 or 12 HCP and no Aces 5.Zero or one card support and HCP (Pass with 0 to 5)
876 AK432 Q5 QJ5 WNES 1♥1♥ P1NT P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AK KQJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J1065 KJ543 KQ K6 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQJ AQJ654 AQJ 10 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQ8 AJ832 KJ2 K3 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
87 A4 QJ52 KJ932 WNES 1♥1♥ P1NT P2♣2♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ A102 J ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J107 6 QJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KJ2 432 QJ3 QJ52 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q98 AKQ 6432 J83 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
87654 A43 QJ5 J5 WNES 1♥1♥ 2♦2♦ ? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ AK ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ KQJ5432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQ42 Q6 Q3 K652 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQ84 A832 6 KQ32 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
8765 AQJ5432 A10 WNES 1♥1♥ 3♠3♠ ? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J KJ109 KQJ10 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ KQJ5432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQ5 A6 Q652 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ A832 AQ84 KQ832 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣