Top Ten sites for Stanley Yelnats
Stanley would visit this site because it shows some tools that would make it easier for Stanley to dig wholes faster.
ters.htm Stanley would visit this site because it shows how to prevent getting blisters during exercise or any activity. Stanley got it a lot during digging wholes in the hot weather.
htm Stanley would visit this site because it gives worksheets on how to write and read. In the story he was teaching Zero one symbol a day, so these worksheets would help Zero learn faster.
lizards.html Stanley would visit this site because it shows the dangers and the description of Yellow Spotted Lizards.
dealing-with-bullies Stanley would visit this site because it helps out kids that get bullied and shows you how to deal with them. For an example ignoring the bully and walking away.
Stanley would use this site because this shows what you can eat in the desert that will help him survive.
Stanley would visit this site because it shows the dangers of the desert and facts about plants, and animals.
desert.html Stanley would visit this site because it shows how to prevent dehydration. For an example don’t eat food unless you have water.
Stanley likes to visit this site because it helps lose weight and shows different exercises on how to lose weight.
Stanley would visit this site because it shows to carry heaving objects the proper way, and it helps avoiding to hurt your back.