Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health An overview of Project LAUNCH Goals and Strategies
Framing the Issue Children need a safe, supportive environment to grow and learn Health disparities are addressed by creating a shared vision among community members Mental health is now at the forefront when talking about early childhood development 2 To learn more visit:
Project LAUNCH Funded by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Five-year grants to states, tribes, territories and local communities Long-term goal: For all children to reach social, emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive milestones – to thrive in school and beyond Population of focus: Children from birth to 8 3
…Using Three Guiding Principles Wellness means thriving in all developmental domains Holistic Perspective Wellness for the whole population; emphasizes prevention and promotion Public Health Approach Wellness requires children to be living in safe, supportive homes, schools and communities Ecological Framework 4
Putting Objectives into Action Address children/families at risk before problems emerge and build on strengths to promote resilience Measure well-defined outcomes for children and families Evidence-based prevention and promotion activities Ensure that all community members share a common knowledge of social/emotional development and a common vision for child wellness and quality services Cross-training; workforce development; communications Partnerships across the federal, state/tribal/territorial and local levels Resources are shared, used efficiently, and aligned with LAUNCH strategic plans Cross sector collaboration and systems integration Include families as partners and leaders Value the cultural and linguistic richness and diversity within communities Family-centered and culturally competent practices 5
Prevention and Promotion Strategies Each grantee implements or expands evidence-based programs and practices in five key areas: Screening and assessment in a range of child- serving settings Integration of behavioral health into primary care Mental health consultation in early care and education Enhanced home visiting through focus on social and emotional well-being Family strengthening and parent skills training 6
Alabama Project LAUNCH Grant awarded to Alabama Department of Mental Health, with key partner Alabama Department of Public Health (first time Alabama has applied for the grant) Five year grant $647,911 (year 1) to $778,851 (year 5) Contracts with: Alabama Partnership for Children Support for YCW Partner at Department of Public Health University of Alabama – project evaluation
treh ImpactOutcomesOutputsComponentsResources State Blueprint ECCS Plan, statewide agency for birth to five coordination and implementation, APC Ready Families 100 families in expanded/enhanced, evidence-based HV 22 parents in SF /SSC model of parent engagement and PL Network + Ready Communities +Ready Services: Health Help Me Grow – 300 screenings, referrals, care coordination for 100, service provider outreach to 10+, data +Ready Services: Early Education +Ready Schools +Ready State YCW Council = Ready Children Prepared for Success *Blueprint adapted from the National School Readiness Indicators Initiative Alabama Project LAUNCH Logic Model ECCS, ECAC, CPC and HV Planning – state agency partners National Partners: CSSP/SF, HMG, SHLI/SSC, 0-3, Home Visiting, LAUNCH State Partners: AAP, Depts. of Ed, HR, CA, CTF, OSR, EI/ADRS, ASRA, Medicaid, ANFRC, Governor’s Office Prof Dev & resources on screenings, ECMH, brain development ECMH support and consultation in early education settings Coordinated leadership for policy, advocacy, funding & accountability AL Dept. of Mental Health and Public Health Leadership Enhanced Home Visiting Family Strengthening & Parenting Skills Screening and Assessment Integration of M/B Health Mental Health Consultation K Transition Teams, KEA, data +Training & resources for screening & referrals, ECMH, family strengthening, coordination +Parents served in more appropriate programs & participate as leaders +Screening, earlier & with more appropriate referrals Improved family mental and behavioral health Improved school outcomes & 3 rd grade reading Parents engaged in policy and programs Healthy, ready children prepared for success +Attention to ECMH in health care, early childhood & schools +Access to ECMH consultation across all programs +K Transition Team & effective plan community-wide Ongoing state and local mechanism for sustained oversight, evaluation, and priorities for early childhood mental health and wellness Gaps in child health outcomes reduced ECMH is a state priority
ImpactOutcomesOutputsComponentsResources Child Dev. Resources/UA local partner Enhanced Home Visiting 20 new families in Baby Talk, training on ECMH and HMG for 6 HV programs SF and SSC model (22 families), PL (4), Parenting Kit to 2,000 parents, 60 parents in Parent Cafes Family Strengthening Parenting Skills and Leadership HMG West AL: screening, outreach, care coordination for 100 children, 300 screened, AAP/ROR/screening in 4 practices Screening and Assessment Integration of Behavioral Health Mental Health Consultation YCW Council planning, project development Alabama Project LAUNCH Local Logic Model Support from Project Staff, SYCWC, Blueprint and state HMG, SF, HV, AAP Local Partners: Tuscaloosa One Place, United Way Easter Seals, EI providers (AIDB, CSPWA), child care, Head Start, public schools, mental health, ROR & pediatricians ECMH support/professional development for 10 programs, 100 children in BBB events Coordinated leadership for policy, advocacy, funding & accountability, 40 participate in local summit AL Dept. of Mental Health and Public Health Leadership 15 partners participate in K Transition Teams, and 4 implement KEA +Training & resources for screening & referrals, ECMH, family strengthening coordination +Parents served in more appropriate programs & parents participate as leaders +Screening, earlier & with more appropriate referrals Improved family mental and behavioral health Improved school outcomes & 3 rd grade reading Parents engaged in policy and programs Healthy, ready children prepared for success + Attention to ECMH in health care, ECE programs & schools +Access to ECMH consultation across all programs + 15 in K Transition Team & community- wide plan and assessment +Ongoing local mechanism for sustained oversight, evaluation, and priorities for early childhood mental health and wellness Gaps in child health outcomes reduced ECMH is a community priority 10 partners (2 parents) on YCWC develop environmental scan, str plan & priority needs Comm. awareness & education on ECMH
Through Alabama Partnership for Children and Sub-Contractors: University of Alabama, Child Development Resources, local partner to coordinate local LAUNCH activities including (2) LAUNCH staff Alabama Chapter of AAP/ROR – to support physician outreach, increased screenings, Reach Out and Read Help Me Grow Alabama – support for Help Me Grow expansion, technical assistance, database development Strengthening Families – includes professional development to HV and SSC model of parent engagement School Readiness – support for Kindergarten Transition Team including Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Young Child Wellness Expert (main project staff for state activities) at Alabama Partnership for Children
Councils on Young Child Wellness 1. Unite stakeholders at state, territory, tribal, and local levels, across the child-serving systems to create a shared vision of young child wellness 2. Bring together providers, parents, and other stakeholders to plan and oversee local implementation 3. Conduct an environmental scan to map existing resources, unmet needs, and areas for collaboration 4. Develop a strategic plan to prioritize goals and objectives, timelines, and benchmarks for success 5. Help ensure that programs address behavioral health disparities through strategic planning and implementation 11
Grantees 12