GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery1 Integration with iVDGL è International Virtual-Data Grid Laboratory A global Grid laboratory (US, EU, Asia, …) A place to conduct Data Grid tests “at scale” A mechanism to create common Grid infrastructure A facility to perform production exercises for LHC experiments A laboratory for other disciplines to perform Data Grid tests “We propose to create, operate and evaluate, over a sustained period of time, an international research laboratory for data-intensive science.” From iVDGL proposal to NSF, 2001
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery2 US-iVDGL Summary Information è GriPhyN + PPDG project NSF ITR program $13.65M + $2M (matching) è Principal components (as seen by USA) Tier1 + proto-Tier2 + selected Tier3 sites Fast networks: US, Europe, transatlantic (DataTAG), transpacific? Grid Operations Center (GOC) Computer Science support teams Coordination with other Data Grid projects è Experiments HEP:ATLAS, CMS + (ALICE, CMS Heavy Ion, BTEV, others?) Non-HEP:LIGO, SDSS, NVO, biology (small) è Proposed international participants 6 Fellows funded by UK for 5 years, work in US US, UK, EU, Japan, Australia (discussions with others)
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery3 iVDGL Partners è US national partners TeraGrid è Complementary EU project: DataTAG Transatlantic network from CERN to STAR-TAP (+ people) Initially 2.5 Gb/s è Industry Discussions, but nothing firm yet
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery4 Initial US-iVDGL Data Grid Tier1 (FNAL) Proto-Tier2 Tier3 university Caltech/UCSD Florida Wisconsin Fermilab BNL Indiana BU Michigan Incomplete site list? SKC Brownsville Hampton PSU
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery5 iVDGL Map Circa Tier0/1 facility Tier2 facility 10 Gbps link 2.5 Gbps link 622 Mbps link Other link Tier3 facility SURFNet DataTAG
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery6 U FloridaCMS CaltechCMS, LIGO UC San DiegoCMS, CS Indiana UATLAS, iGOC Boston UATLAS U Wisconsin, MilwaukeeLIGO Penn StateLIGO Johns HopkinsSDSS, NVO U ChicagoCS U Southern CaliforniaCS U Wisconsin, MadisonCS Salish KootenaiOutreach, LIGO Hampton UOutreach, ATLAS U Texas, BrownsvilleOutreach, LIGO FermilabCMS, SDSS, NVO BrookhavenATLAS Argonne LabATLAS, CS US iVDGL Proposal Participants T2 / Software CS support T3 / Outreach T1 / Labs (not funded)
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery7 US iVDGL Management & Coordination Project Directors P. Avery, I. Foster iVDGL Design and Deployment Integration with Applications University Research Centers / Groups International Grid Operations Center Project Coordination Group Project Directors & Coordinator Coordinators of Systems Integration & Outreach Physics Experiment Representatives University Research Center or Group Representatives PACI Representatives Collaboration Board (Advisory) External Advisory Board
GriPhyN EAC Meeting (Jan. 7, 2002)Paul Avery8 US iVDGL Budget Units = $1K