International AIDS Society’s Strategic Plan : Where are we up to? Rome, 19 July 2011
Programme Development Outstanding high quality science showcased at IAS 2011 (HPTN 052, Caprisa follow-up, “Towards a cure”, and more). The IAS 2011 Abstract Mentor Programme received 176 draft abstracts from 153 submitters, and 60 mentors provided feedback. 127 were submitted for IAS 2011, and 77 accepted (just over 60%)!
Congress and Exhibitions Working on the next International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, 2012 Priorities for the second half of 2011: Securing the AIDS 2014 destination. Conducting site visits to the final IAS 2015 shortlisted cities.
Policy and Advocacy Four policy and advocacy priorities: HIV Cure. Drug Policies. Social and Political Sciences. Human Rights. …and the project on Effectiveness and Efficiency (E2).
Research Promotion An on-going process with many sides… JIAS: 600 submitted manuscripts, 30 published in 2010, over readers; Supplement in July 2011: “HIV/AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: Facing up to programmatic and operational challenges” with guest editors Anthony D Harries and Rony Zachariah. ILF: Affiliated event at CROI 2011: “Paediatric drug resistance in resource limited settings: jeopardizing future treatment options”. Towards an HIV Cure: Launched in February in Boston, with an international scientific working group and a stakeholder’s advisory board. Grants, fellowships, and prizes and awards: Three projects in clinical science, law, and public health, to be awarded post-doctoral fellowships at IAS 2011; Selected prize recipients for four IAS/ANRS Young Investigator Awards, one HIV/TB Prize and one Women, Girls and HIV Investigator Prize.
Partnerships Key Achievements since January 2011 Regional Conferences: Ongoing technical assistance to ICASA 2011; Next Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference (EECAAC): Assessment mission to Tajikistan. Partnerships/Collaboration: New Partnerships Strategy concept note finalized; Eastern Europe and Central Asia network: mapping of main stakeholders in the region is done; ECOSOC application completed and sent in April: feedback on acceptance to be received in 2012; WHO-IAS formal relations: 3 years Report on 2009 – 2011 formal relations and plan for 2012 – 2014 joint activities completed.
Partnerships continued… Priorities for the second half of 2011 Partnerships: Report back to Gates; next steps of the new Partnerships Strategy; conceptualize activities with regional focus at AIDS 2012; Eastern Europe and Central Asia: potential creation of a Regional AIDS Network or Society. Regional Conferences: Continuing support to ICASA 2011 until the end of the year; Report back to UNAIDS, GF and Ministry of Health and Prime Minister office of Tajikistan on assessment mission findings and viability of holding the 4th EECAAC in the country.
Governance and Membership Working on the governance-related tasks identified for the Governance and Membership Subcommittee at the 2010 Governing Council Retreat. Working on member outreach at regional conferences. Effectiveness and efficiency - country pilot in Uganda.
Making our processes better… Planning, monitoring and evaluation processes enhanced. External audits conducted and applied. Administration and task-assignment processes revised. Resource development revised.