Good practice in delivering functional skills Initial and diagnostic assessment Delivery by practitioner – functional skills need to be taught (‘You wouldn’t expect a maths teacher to teach plastering.’ National Research and Development Council. 2007) Two curricula – skills and problem solving
Approaches to delivery Stand alone – discrete - taught by specialist in a generic way Contextualised – de contextualised - taught as individual subjects with activities contextualised to main programme or qualification Integrated into the main programme - no distinct delivery but all aspects included into main area delivery or training
Assessment - English Reading Activity: In pairs, answer the first 7 questions of the English level 1 reading paper. Mark your answers and discuss with the group. How would your learners respond to this paper?
Assessment - mathematics Activity In pairs, answer questions 9,11, 13 and 14 of the functional mathematics level 1 example paper. Using the mark scheme, mark your work. Discuss your responses
Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments Use the SQA support pack available at both levels Provide candidates with instructions for assessment which include the scenario(s) for the discussion Candidates should make notes in preparation which they may refer to during the discussion/presentation but must not read out
Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments (cont) Assessors should record contributions to discussions/presentations to inform decisions for grades Assessors notes may be included as evidence Following assessment, internal verification must be carried out. Centres must provide sampling plans and verification reports
Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments (cont) Centres must send : For each candidate: □ Completed instructions to candidate □ Completed Assessment Mark Sheets □ Completed Assessor Statements □ Candidate evidence, including preparation notes, plans For each batch: □ Verification Sample Form □ Verification Report Forms
Lessons learnt from assessment Read the question Answer all of the question Don’t do your own thing For English Use the correct format Check SPAG
Lessons learnt from assessment (cont) For maths Use correct values Give functional answers Beware of calculations for time Give full explanations READ THE QUESTION