Short film assessment BY BRADLEY SAYE
Film Genres Comedy Drama Documentary Horror Sci-fi Romance War Animation
Animation Advantages The advantages of animation is you can perform to the best of your ability and show how talented you are with the editing business. Animation Disadvantages There is always room for error within the animation genre as you have film your short film frame by frame which is also very time consuming.
Comedy Comedy Advantages The advantages of comedy is that you can really show your acting skills plus your sense of humour, also you can fulfil your full potential within your script writing. Comedy Disadvantages Comedy disadvantages are that it may contain a lot of re-shooting as things may be so funny that you just have to laugh at the input of certain actors
Drama Drama Advantages Drama advantages are that the genre within itself can contain three other genres; Thriller, Sci-fi and Romance. This means you can present and include your skills within a genre which contains other genres. Drama Disadvantages A disadvantage is being to overworked and not performing as well as you could, also it would be difficult to get hold of props as each scene would need to contain at least one prop as each genre which is within this genre all include quite expensive props.
Documentary Documentary Advantages Documentary advantages include being quite knowledgeable and knowing your facts about certain objects, people and places. Documentary Disadvantages A disadvantage a filming a documentary is not being able to have access granted to you within a new or old building, and even being able to focus and explain facts about it.
Horror Horror Advantages Horror advantages include being able to show your make-up skills and being able to show