The Trickster ENG 2PI Ms. Phillips
Before reading Is it always better to avoid conflict? Explain why or why not. YesNo
Making Connections In this course, there are three types of connections that you will be asked to make: Connections between the text we are reading and yourself. Connection between texts that we have read Connections between the text and the world in general
Examples Type of connection How to make connectionsExamples Text to self Think about the parts of the text that remind you of experiences and people in your own life “ This character reminds me of my best friend, who has the same weird sense of humour. I wonder if this character will get into as much trouble as my friend.” Text to text Think about the parts of the text that remind you of other texts you have read or media you have studied “ This magazine article reminds me of a really good show I watched about urban violence so I know that the issue has more than one perspective:” Text to the world Think about the parts of the text that remind you of things you already know about the world. The character in this comedy reminds me of President Obama. I wonder if the writer wanted to make that connection.
Read the story titled “The Trickster” and complete the chart below in table groups to show connections. Point form examples Connections between this text and myself Connections between this text and other texts C onnections between this text and what I know about the world
Responding to what we have read: 1) On page 13, complete the questions under the following sections: “What do you think now” “Making Connections” “Making inferences” “Reading like a writer” “Media Literacy” 2) Design a cover for this short story. You will hand this work in at the end of class on Tuesday to show your understanding.