Towards the Final Frontier:
Key Ingredients: Rationale; Hypothesis; Author’s Statement; Objectives; Structure; Literature Survey/Methodology.
Some Recommended* Guidelines on Dissertation Structure and Presentation. Derived from LMU website Title page; Abstract ( words maximum) List of contents List of illustrations, tables and glossary (if any) Acknowledgements Definitions and/or abbreviations Statement of originality – eg: This research is the work of and has been completed solely in fulfilment of the dissertation for the BSc Shipping, Trade and Transport at HST Indicative sections Introduction and aims of the research Review of the literature Methodology and data collection strategies Analysis of the results Conclusion/recommendations (including strengths and weaknesses of the research and
further research to be done) Appendices (optional) Glossary (optional) References of items cited in the text Bibliography of items read but not cited in the text Basic design layout and text Font type - Arial, size 12 point Headings - same font as body text but bold and 14 points Line spacing 1.5 Left margin 1.5” (the other margins should be kept at 1”) *Recommended only not compulsory Merv Rowlinson
Statement of Originality This research is the work of and has been completed solely in fulfilment of the dissertation for the BSc Shipping, Trade and Transport at HST
The Pilot Essay????
Methodological Perspectives Quantitative v Qualitative; Theoretical v Empirical; Single Discipline v Multi Disciplinary; Positive v Normative.
The Case for Synthesis
Figure 9: UK Tkm Market Share All Modes 2007 Rail Road Pipeline Shipping Source: Derived from DfT UK Transport Statistics, 2009
Figure 10: UK Tkm Market Share All Modes & Shipping Total & Non-Oil, 2007 Road Rail Ship Non-0il Ship Oil Pipeline Source: Derived from DfT UK Transport Statistics, 2009
Fatigue: Temp Mate “Turning to”: 06.00hrs, Goole Primary Research!
Summary & Conclusion