Slides for Xiaoping
LBNL -- 10/9/09STAR Collaboration Meeting2 STAR TOF Offline Analysis Layout STAR/TOF DAQ GSTAR geant hits GSTAR geant hits geometry (btofgeo) TOF Offline DAQ reader 1. StBTofHitMaker TOF Offline DAQ reader 1. StBTofHitMaker TOF Simulation Maker TOF Mixer Maker 3. StBTofMatchMaker 4. StBTofCalibMaker StEvent StBTofCollection StBTofRawHit StBtofHeader StBTofRawHit StBtofHeader StBTofHit StTrack StBTofPidTraits StMuBTofUtil StMuDstMaker StMuBTofUtil StMuDstMaker MuDst TOF StMcEvent StMcBTofHit BTofRawHit BTofHit BTofHeader BTofRawHit BTofHit BTofHeader association DB Tables StBTofUtil StBTofPool DB Tables StBTofUtil StBTofPool 2. StVpdCalibMaker
All BTOF production chain components are in place: BTOF hit maker: – decodes TOF and VPD data – applies timing window cut, and first level of electronics calibration – provides TOF & VPD hits with TDC and “time-over-threshold” values VPD calibration maker: – applies various calibration parameters to VPD hits – stores calibrated VPD hit info, as well as VPD-based z-vertex BTOF match maker: – associates TOF hits with STAR tracks – provides accurate match positions BTOF calibration maker – applies various calibration parameters to matched TOF hits T0, slewing, local hit position – calculates common start time – adds particle ID traits to matched STAR tracks Offline software: BTOF chain (1) LBNL -- 10/9/093STAR Collaboration Meeting
Offline software: BTOF chain (2) new BFChain options: – btofDat: runs BTOF Hit Maker, i.e. only decodes the data – vpdCalib, btofCalib: runs VPD or BTOF Calib Makers, i.e. only applies calibrations – btofMatch: runs BTOF Match Maker, i.e. only matches BTOF hits to STAR tracks – btof: runs the full BTOF chain, i.e. btofDat+vpdCalib+btofMatch+btofCalib BFChains that implicitly include “btof”: P2010a, pp2010a – Other chains that implicitly include btofDat: Test.production2009_200Gev_Hi.ITTF, Test.production2009_500GeV.ITTF Production QA histograms for Hit, Match, and Calibration makers In progress: include BTOF hit information in PPV (Xin Dong)
1.Calibration production – requires STAR tracks and BTOF/VPD data – provides matched BTOF data (ROOT tree) to calibration experts – Hit+Match StEvent/MuDST ntuple – could run on a smaller event sample, but accurate calibration relies on accurate matching (tracks!) and typically requires significant statistics 2.Run dedicated calibration algorithms – establish correction factors for, e.g. slewing and local hit position – verify calibration parameters and store parameters in database 3.Full STAR production with TOF particle ID – apply calibration database to the matched tracks. – involves the full chain, i.e. Hit+Match+Calib – but can also run as “after-burner” on existing StEvent/MuDST files LBNL -- 10/9/09STAR Collaboration Meeting5 BTOF Production Work Flow
UPDATE THIS WITH NEW RESULTS THAT INCLUDE RFF DATA Preliminary calibrations performed for 500GeV and 200GeV p+p data – based on small event samples 500GeV; 200GeV – using Fast-Offline reconstruction chain Insufficient statistics for channel-by-channel calibration – for the purpose of these calibrations bundled channels together in groups of 24 (=1 TDIG board) Observe systematic worse time resolutions for channels >18,000 – software bug prevented INL (electronics) calibrations from being applied LBNL -- 10/9/09STAR Collaboration Meeting6 Run 9 calibrations
RUN 9 200GeV pp Calibrations Identified three periods that may need separate calibration efforts: 1.RFF (high TOF discriminator threshold) 13M VPDMB events (day ), done results readied for database 2.FF (high TOF discriminator threshold) 5M VPDMB events (day ), pending 3.FF (low TOF discriminator threshold) 9M VPDMB events (day ), pending
LBNL -- 10/9/09STAR Collaboration Meeting Calibration Results (UPDATE!!) Operating condition Timing Resolution (ps) Start timeOverallStop time Run 3 200GeV d+Au GeV p+p Run 4 62GeV Au+Au GeV Au+Au Full-field Half-field Run 5 200GeV Cu+Cu (ToT) GeV Cu+Cu (ToT) Run 8 200GeV d+Au (ToT) NA 200GeV p+p (ToT) Run 9 500GeV p+p (preliminary) GeV p+p (preliminary)
LBNL -- 10/9/09STAR Collaboration Meeting Calibration Requirements Collisions [MinBias] taken from [1] ×1/4 (pure π) ×80% (match) ×2 (Δη) Useable hits per channel Slewing Correction 10k/{ch,mod,brd} T0 500/ch channel- by- channel mod-by- mod board- by- board p+p e-5240M40M10M12M d+Au e-456M9.3M2.3M2.8M Au+Au e-32.9M0.5M0.12M0.15M Au+Au (0-10%) e-31.2M0.2M0.05M0.06M 9 [1] STAR Collab. Phys.Rev.C (2009)