Разработала: Кинзерская Л.Н., учитель английского языка МБОУ лицея№15г.Пятигорска
1. Развивающий аспект – развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетический слух, способность к имитации), развитие слуховой памяти, произвольного и непроизвольного внимания. 2. Познавательный аспект – познакомить c мнениями школьников разных стран о роли школы в их жизни. 3. Учебный аспект – развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации, коммуникативных умений по теме «Школьная жизнь». 4. Воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного отношения к школе в разных странах, воспитание любви к своей родной школе. 1. Отработать название школьных предметов и выражений по теме. 2. Познакомить с английскими пословицами и поговорками по теме «Школа». 3. Практиковать учащихся в чтении, диалогической и монологической речи по теме « Наша школа ». 4. Тренировать употребление грамматических структур с модальными глаголами «should, shouldn’t».
«School Life»
Give Russian equivalents for the English proverbs and sayings: 1. Live and Learn. 2. It is never too late to learn. 3. No one is too old to learn. 4. First think, than speak. 5. Business before pleasure. 6. Two heads are better than one. 7. Four eyes see more than two. 8. Strike while the iron is hot.
Why school life is so important for teenagers all over the world? Why school life is so important for teenagers all over the world? Use: School is a place… -to get knowledge -to make friends -to become hard working -to prepare for life -where it is fun -to take exams -to write tests -to sing and dance to study English -to study English -to become successful
Put the letters in correct order and find out some of the subjects. (ex.51p.72) 1. h, e, g, l, s, i, n - 2. t, s, h, a, m – 3. t, e, l, a, e, r, u, t, i, r – 4. t, o, r, h, y, s, i – 5. e, y, h, p, g, o, a, r, g – English Maths Literature History Geography
Hands up! Clap, clap, Hands on the hips! Step, step! Bend your left, Bend your right, Turn yourself around. Hands up! Hands down! Please, sit down!
Let’s read the texts and find out what pupils from different countries think of a perfect school. ( ex.52.p.72)
Find and read sentences in the text with the words and expressions. Marina (Russia): … a brightly decorated building. … are allowed … The rules … … school newspaper and radio… Alfred (Norway): … should start … Teachers should…. …school uniform… The breaks… George (New Zealand): … more respect. Discipline…punishments… …prefer the subjects… …be compulsory…
Let’s do the test. Say what all the participants want from school? (ex.53p.73) 1. A perfect school is …building. a) an old c) modern 2. Students are allowed …. a) to be noisy c) to be late 3. The rules in the school should be …. b) strict c) free 4. The perfect school should start …. b) at 7 o’clock c) at 9 o’clock 5.The breaks should be …. a) shorter b) longer 6. Discipline should be …. b) very strict c) more strict b) a brightly decorated b) to talk freely about problems a) democratic a) at 11 o’clock c) longer than now a) quite strict
The way to school. Work in pairs. Interview each other.(ex.22p.66)... far (not far ) from… …get to school … …get to school … …by tram, by car, on foot … …by tram, by car, on foot … …take you to get… …take you to get…
Look at the pictures and describe your school. (ex.31p.68) Our school is … …is named... …two floors.
… a monument to … …trees and flower beds. …sports grounds…
School begins at … We study ….. At the lessons… English lessons Physical EducationInformation Technology
After classes…. At the library… At the dining-room…
Pushkin’s museum The Museum of War History The Museum of the history of our school
Let’s play. Match the words.(ex.69p.77) To attend Free Education means of communication uniform compulsory private to wear activities