Pressing on to Maturity Hebrews 5:1 – 6:3
What causes dullness of hearing Cotton candy theology: sounds good but doesn’t fill you up. God’s Word is sometimes hard to explain & understand. 2 Peter 3:15-16 Anything worth saying takes time & effort to understand. We have to constantly be digging into Scripture. 21 OT quotes We have to think through things that may not seem relevant at the time.
What causes dullness of hearing Not applying what we know by sharing it with others. We must give an answer for the “why” of our lives. 1 Peter 3:15 We must provide comfort out of the comfort we’ve received. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
What is false unity in matters of faith? Can’t we all just love Jesus? We downplay doctrinal differences. We elevate tolerance over truth.
What is our hope that doesn’t disappoint? We will press on to maturity, if God permits.(He wants it more) It is God’s plan for you to grow in maturity. Romans 8:28-29 What God starts, He finishes. Philippians 1:6
How do we tie this all together? We must strive to hear, understand, & apply God’s Word faithfully even though it’s hard work. We must never seek false unity to avoid persecution. We must never waiver that God is growing us into maturity.