Adjectives 2A or 2B C. Sanchez, Belvedere MS
Adjectives An adjective is a word that DESCRIBES a noun. Nouns school park pencil science Los Angeles cancer Adjectives pretty serious clean talented strange deadly 1.pretty park 2.clean school 3.deadly cancer 1.__________ school 2.__________ teacher 3.__________ cancer
Adjectives Write more adjectives here: Adjectives _____________ Nouns _____________ Write more nouns here: Connect them to make more (expressive sayings) 1.___________ ___________ 2.___________ ___________ 3.___________ ___________
Now look at the vocabulary words for “The Power of Poetry” on page 15 of your High Point book. Classify the words into three groups. Write all the nouns here: ___________________ Write all the verbs here: ___________________ Write all the adjectives here: ___________________ Which group has the most words?
Now look at the vocabulary words for “Discovery” on page 14 of your High Point book. Classify the words into three groups. Write all the nouns here: ___________________ Write all the verbs here: ___________________ Write all the adjectives here: ___________________ Which group has the most words?