WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is the word used when everything in our lives seems to become too much for us to cope with. At Darlington Young Carers this is a word we hear a lot as the demands of caring responsibilities on top of growing up and wanting to ‘be themselves’ and ‘find themselves’ affect the emotional well-being of carers. Young Carers on the project have helped us to write this booklet from “Young Carers to other Young Carers” and we hope you will find it useful and supportive.
HOW DOES STRESS FEEL? Like “tearing your hair out” Unable to focus Angry Upset Unable to stop or relax – like the “Duracell Bunny” Irritable or “Snappy” towards others Hopeless Tired but can’t sleep AnxiousLike being in a maze and cant find way out Not enjoying anything
WHAT CAUSES STRESS? Life changes all the time and unfortunately things happen that are both within our control and out of our control. This does not make how we cope with them at the time any less important. Think if you have ever experienced any of the below – would you say you felt stressed? There is no right or wrong it is different for everyone. Exams/Taking a TestBullying Death of a Loved One or PetIllness Being Responsible for OthersBeing a Victim of Crime Separation/Divorce of ParentsWork Introduction to a Step-FamilySchool Trying to Fit in with FriendsNot Having Enough Money Getting into TroubleMoving House Having to Make Big DecisionsPersonal Relationships
BEATING THE STRESS! The good news is stress CAN be beaten. We would always recommend talking to someone about how you feel but there are also things you can do to help yourself. Don’t forget the things you enjoy Plan your time Eat regularly and healthily Dance, sing – even at home (by yourself or with friends) Take part in a sport or walk Take a Break Keep a Routine Have habits that encourage good sleep Be assertive – you CAN say NO sometimes Get creative – write, draw, paint and make
RECIPE FOR STRESS BALLS Doing something physical is not only exercise but can be a great release! It is very easy to make your own stress ball that can go anywhere with you and is fun to make!* All you need is flour, balloons, funnel and spoon and follow the below: Blow up a balloon and deflate – do this until you are happy with size Put funnel into neck of balloon Scoop flour into funnel and push down When balloon is full (do not fill neck) tie and decorate if you want to *WARNING - THIS CAN BE MESSY!!!!!!!
PRIORITIES Sometimes we take on too much! We do this because we don’t feel confident in saying no, as a distraction/avoidance from other things going on or to be kind to others. It is OKAY to be selfish sometimes. This DOES NOT mean being nasty but thinking about what is best for us and the MOST IMPORTANT things to us. Put down in the table below what your top six priorities or most important things are and remember these when we get asked to do extra. Depending on different life events the order of importance MAY CHANGE at different times but constantly REFLECTING and EVALUATING life can help us TAKE CONTROL! What the Priority is?
WHO CAN HELP? Just talking it out can sometimes be a big help and there are plenty of people who can support. Fill in the table below with their numbers or s so you have them to hand: If you feel your stress is becoming out of hand please speak to your GP who can recommend other professionals to help you. Name or OccupationPhone Number and/or Family Member: Friend: GP: Teacher/Someone in School: Young Carers Worker: Other Professional: Anyone Else:
THANK YOU!!! The Darlington Young Carers Team would like to say a BIG Thank You to Thomas, Grace and Jordan whose definitions, ideas and experimenting with the stress ball making contributed to this booklet. Also thank you to Brogan whose practice of swapping hints and tips on coping with her friends was the inspiration behind the idea of the booklet! DISC Darlington Young Carers, Unit 2B Enterprise House, Valley Street North, Darlington, DL1 1GY. Tel: (01325)