Test Setup for FE-I3 single chips / modules, FE-I4_proto1 and for full scale FE-I4 Marlon Barbero, Bonn
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, USBPix – Lightweight USB based DAQ System for FE-I3 / FE-I4
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, USB ControllerFPGASRAM AC coupling Multi-IO USB/FPGA BoardQuad Module Adapter Card FE-I3 Module with Flex Adapter type-0 connector single chip card con.
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, USB based FE-I3 Readout System - USBPixBoard Lightweight “Replacement” for the TurboPLL/PCC (Re)use TurboDAQ software ? Hardware based on FPGA card with USB interface Supports up to four single chips or four FE modules AC coupling for SP operation of modules
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, Firmware Structure 8051 µC USB configuration state machine strobe & LV1 state machine data receiver state machine reset/sync state machine read data buffer & event builder write data buffer (par ser) data memory LD DI CCK SYNC RST LV1 DO1 DO2 histogramming state machine scan routines full chip scan data: 2880px 256 steps 8bit data clock XCK USB controller FPGA external STRB external trigger master state machine
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, USBPixBoard – Some Specs USB/FPGA Board (S3MultiIOBoard) –15 Mbyte/sec FPGA PC data transfer –2 Mbyte SRAM (sufficient for full single chip histogram) –Xilinx XC3S1000 FPGA –LVDS and TTL IOs (for ext. trigger, TDC etc.) –8051 USB microcontroller –Drivers for Windows XP and Linux Module Adapter Card –four channels support single chip cards or modules –serial powering option for modules –current and (individual) voltage measurement for SP “Lightweight”/low-cost replacement for TPLL/TPCC –limited FPGA/memory resources: no DSP, no dedicated, programmable delay lines
H. Krüger, ATUW, NIKHEF, USBPixBoard – Status Target: FE-I3 single chip, (FE-I4 proto 1), FE-I4 ‘full chip’ Hardware –prototype HW, production of ~20 boards planned –FPGA + µC firmware and DLL programming UBonn Software –Based on DLL with low-level functions + GUI (two options): a.Modified TurboDAQ software UGöttingen, Jörn Grosse-Knetter b.New PixLib based SW development (C++, QT for Win & Linux), “open source”, access via version control system and Wiki pages:
Marlon Barbero - Bonn, Test Setup for ATLAS pixel FEs, Dec. 2 nd FE-I4_proto1 test setup
Marlon Barbero - Bonn, Test Setup for ATLAS pixel FEs, Dec. 2 nd FE-I4_proto1 test setup
11 Hubertus Junker sLHC meeting Interface Disabled!
12 Hubertus Junker sLHC meeting Parametric scan Threshold Noise
13 Hubertus Junker sLHC meeting Addressing new Hitmap Inject Filter interesting hit and do the math
14 Hubertus Junker sLHC meeting Status MUX arrived last week were installed successfully Test without FE good! FEI4_proto1 connected to Testboard Due to bad connection so pins had to be bend up Plans: Finish Software development start characterization. Should submit new version of test board with proper MUX connection.