HIT Policy Committee PCAST Report Workgroup Update Wednesday, March 2, :00am ET Paul Egerman, Chair William Stead, Vice Chair
Workgroup Members Chair: Paul Egerman, Chair Co-Chair: William Stead, Vice Chair, Vanderbilt University Members: Dixie BakerSAIC Hunt BlairVermont HIE Tim ElwellMisys Open Source Carl A. GunterUniversity of Illinois John HalamkaBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, HMS Leslie HarrisCenter for Democracy & Technology Stan HuffIntermountain Robert KahnCorporation for National Research Initiatives Gary MarchioniniUniversity of North Carolina Stephen OndraOffice of Science & Technology Policy Jonathan PerlinHospital Corporation of America Richard PlattHarvard Medical School Wes RishelGartner Mark A. RothsteinUniversity of Louisville School of Medicine Steve StackAmerican Medical Association Eileen TwiggsPlanned Parenthood
Workgroup Charge The PCAST Report Workgroup is charged to : Assist ONC synthesize and analyze the public comments and input to the PCAST report; Discuss the implications of the report and it’s specific recommendations to ONC on current ONC strategies; Assess the feasibility and impact of the PCAST report on ONC programs; Elaborate on how these recommendations could be integrated into the ONC strategic framework.
Meeting Dates Report not well understood Absence of Consensus Privacy and Security Timeframe (2013) concerns Summary of Hearing - Common Themes
Meeting Dates Examples of possible approaches: 1. UEL Approach: Example - Stage 2 some UEL and Pilot Projects leading to Stage 3 2.Pilot Approach: Example - Choose from successful pilot projects for Stage 3 3.Market Approach: Choose from market success Approaches to Achieving PCAST Vision