Yifang Yang UNI:yy2448
Definition of Research Question What are the current energy consumption and CO 2 emission level for the 50 states? What can we say about the relationship between energy consumption and CO 2 emission? How can population influence the energy consumption and CO 2 emission level? What are the current energy consumption and CO 2 emission level for the 50 states? What can we say about the relationship between energy consumption and CO 2 emission? How can population influence the energy consumption and CO 2 emission level?
Definition of Objectives Two maps will display the total energy consumption and CO2 emission Another two will represent energy consumption per capita and CO 2 emission per capita 4 ArcGIS map products
Documentation of resources Basemap US POP 2010 CO 2 emission data 2010 Energy Consumption data 2010 Basemap US POP 2010 CO 2 emission data 2010 Energy Consumption data 2010
Data Manipulation, Use of GIS tools Add field: Field Calculator:
Results Total CO 2 Emission Total Energy Consumption CO 2 Emission per CapitaEnergy Consumption per Capita
Answers to Identified Questions o Energy consumption can make a great contribution to CO 2 emission. o High total CO 2 emission does not necessarily indicate a high CO 2 emission per capita. o There are differences between coastal states and inland states.
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