Hi. This is Mark Riley, chair of the physics department at FSU. I'm so sorry I could not be with you today for this important meeting.
Obviously I, and the physics dept too, feel that the GEOSET project is of enormous importance with incredible potential for changing the global educational landscape.
Hi. This is Mark Riley, chair of the physics department at FSU. I'm so sorry I could not be with you today for this important meeting. Obviously I, and the physics dept too, feel that the GEOSET project is of enormous importance with incredible potential for changing the global educational landscape. In fact it already is doing a magnificent job.... but we are here to try and unleash its potential even further.
One aspect I really like is to get the students to give short presentations on the research they are carrying out.
I've managed to get a number of undergrads and grads to do this and the results have always been fabulous. (Although I'd like to get a few more!)
One aspect I really like is to get the students to give short presentations on the research they are carrying out. I've managed to get a number of undergrads and grads to do this and the results have always been fabulous. (Although I'd like to get a few more!) Their excitement and enthusiasm explodes off the screen. These compelling "vignettes" serve not only as superb educational stand alone pieces but also as a promotional vehicle for the student and the school..
In fact in our past grant request to the NSF our program manager was so impressed that he sent our student talk links all the way up to the highest echelons to let the Director see how the NSF funds were being put to such valuable use.
Having them see the direct benefits from the students themselves worked magic.
We actually ended up with the NSF sending us an increase in funding.... something that is rather rare indeed in these present times!!!!
They also serve as brilliant "resume footage" for the students and I know from my own experience that they have played a significant part in helping my students get hired..... it is a "win win win " for the students, FSU, world education, and the employer/grad school recruiter etc.
We are very serious about our studies and research but we also have fun along the way and these videos show all this off with maximum impact!
We need to get to the tipping point where making these presentations becomes a standard thing the students do....
We are very serious about our studies and research but we also have fun along the way and these videos show all this off with maximum impact! We need to get to the tipping point where making these presentations becomes a standard thing the students do.... I will keep trying and I hope you will too.... in fact next Spring I will be teaching a course called "Communications in Physics" this is where undergrads give 3 or 4 talks in a semester to learn how to give short compelling presentations.
It is an essential skill to have.
These are not on the research they might be involved in but subjects that they find fascinating and want to share with others.....
It is an essential skill to have. These are not on the research they might be involved in but subjects that they find fascinating and want to share with others..... I've decided that for their last talk in the semester when their abilities are suitably honed and they feel confident in their abilities that we all troop down to the GEOSET studio to see Uncle Harry and Steve to record their talks for the whole world.....
It is an essential skill to have. These are not on the research they might be involved in but subjects that they find fascinating and want to share with others..... I've decided that for their last talk in the semester when their abilities are suitably honed and they feel confident in their abilities that we all troop down to the GEOSET studio to see Uncle Harry and Steve to record their talks for the whole world..... All the best with the meeting and I look forward to working with "y'all" in this great educational adventure called GEOSET!