What verbs describe these activities? play baseball
Unscramble the letters and find out: paly fotboall play baseball play teh pinao paly vogamidees pinat kooc siwm rdie a bkie fsih seapk Frnech
Check and repeat: play baseball play football play the piano play videogames paint cook swim ride a bike fish speak French
Talking about abilities... What are they saying?
Talking about abilities I can drive. I can’t drive. Can you drive? Yes, I can. Can you drive? No, I can’t.
Can you...? Yes,.../No,... play baseball
Can you...? Yes,.../No,...
Are these things part of your routine?
Can you name them?
use create send prepare
use create send prepare
use create send prepare
Can you … Not very well. No, I can’t. Not at all. Yes, I can. Yes, very well. Of course.
In this lesson, you learned how to talk about your abilities and ask other people about theirs. You also learned how to talk about your office skills.