First Year Volunteer Survey AARP TAX-AIDE – NY3 May 13, 2010
2 First Year Volunteer Survey
3 Free Form Responses NYS - training was only about one hour or on-the-job Too focused on software/not enough practice with software On the job practice with experienced counselor is a MUST as amount of exposure to law can be intimidating and overwhelming Role playing on how to interact with the client A daily handout summarizing the subject matter or an outline for what will be covered in class training that allows for note taking. Unable to follow along because of the amount of material covered
4 More than I expected (15) About what I expected (7) Less than I expected (0) First Year Volunteer Survey
6 Consistent quality review process even in understaffed situations would have made me more comfortable System response time - could be up to 5 minutes to get a refresh page Printer and laptop problems at some sites Time having to set-up/break-down equipment each time and the issues that arose from that Excellent support from site sponsors. Benefit working in a comfortable location with experienced counselor Biggest problem was lack of database for $250 stimulus payment Free Form Responses First Year Volunteer Survey
7 What were your expectations entering this program? Doing returns for seniors and low income people so they would not have to pay commercial preparers Helping the community TaxAide IT operations Very rewarding to help people Tremendous support from expereinced counselors Training was very informative and the on-the-job support was wonderful Thought returns would be a rubber stamp of each other but they were all unique; always learning something new The site coordinator provided the equipment needed. Our "tax guru" was great at explaining the software and the tricky parts of the tax laws; and the manuals and ability to practice in advance were invaluable Was surprised by number of students and unemployed people Very hard to tell people they owed money especially when they though they had done the right thing All respondents felt their expectations were met
8 First Year Volunteer Survey What did you find most rewarding as a volunteer? Personal satisfaction of helping seniors who appreciated our assistance. The honest "Thank You's" received The knowledge gained and the friendships formed with both volunteers and clients that come back year after year Finding qualified deductions unknown to the client Showing the client a completed return! I was amazed that as a volunteer I had to attend 5 days of training. After attending, I realized it was necessary. All volunteers make a large time commitment, and all deserve a big thanks. I appreciate the ability to give feedback At present time I am happy being a tax counselor. If I gain more expertise, I would consider taking on more responsibilities but would need to do this more before committing to further tasks It was a great experience. Although requiring more experience than I had, the local support from my fellow team members made the difference. I was quite intimidated in the beginning, but the support I received gave me he confidence to continue the effort Other Comments