Page 1 IPCDN Working Group IETF 58 - IPCDN WG Update Richard Woundy Jean-François Mulé IPCDN Co-Chairs 11/11/2003
Page 2 IPCDN Working Group Meeting Agenda Agenda Bashing Administration IPCDN DOCSIS MIB Updates –RF MIB v2 draft 08 –DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2 draft 6 –Subscriber Mgmt MIB draft 13 –DOCSIS BPI+ MIB draft 12 –DOCSIS QoS MIB draft 9 PacketCable/IPCablecom MIB Updates –MTA MIB –Signaling MIB –Management Event MIB CableHome Updates –CableHome Remote Diagnostic Tools MIB Comments from disman wg
Page 3 IPCDN Working Group Note Well & Intro Registration included materials referring to RFC 2026 As usual, this IPCDN WG meeting is covered by that policy Call for: –WG meeting notes takers –Jabber chat room volunteer(s) Blue sheets
Page 4 IPCDN Working Group Administration- Recent WG Progress (1) 13 Internet-Drafts Updated since IETF 57 meeting in July 03 DOCSIS –RF MIB v2 draft 08 draft-ietf-ipcdn-docs-rfmibv2-08.txt –DOCSIS BPI+ MIB draft 12 draft-ietf-ipcdn-bpiplus-mib-12.txt –Subscriber Mgmt MIB draft 13 draft-ietf-ipcdn-subscriber-mib-13.txt –DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2 draft 6 draft-ietf-ipcdn-device-mibv2-06.txt –DOCSIS QoS MIB draft 9 draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-09.txt PacketCable/IPCablecom –PacketCable/IPCablecom MTA MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-mtamib-02.txt –PacketCable/IPCablecom NCS Signaling MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-signaling-02.txt –PacketCable/IPCablecom Management Event MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-pktc-eventmess-02.txt
Page 5 IPCDN Working Group Recent WG Progress (2) CableHome No updates since last meeting –Address Mapping MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-addressing-mib-00.txt –Configuration MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-config-mib-00.txt –Gateway Device MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-device-mib-00.txt –QoS MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-qos-mib-00.txt –Device Security MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-security-mib-00.txt –Remote Diagnostic Tools MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-tools-mib-00.txt Additional IPCDN WG website:
Page 6 IPCDN Working Group Administration WG Recharter –Done on August 26, 2003 –IPCDN is now under the OPS area –AD Advisor: Bert Wijnen WG milestones Proposal –Some WG milestones have been missed already –Goal: set new realistic milestones –Proposal »DOCSIS & PacketCable: move milestones 3 months out: Aug Nov for Subs Mgmt & BPI+ Sep Dec for RF & Cable Device v2, MTA & Sig MIB Sep Jan for QoS Sep Mar for Event Notification, Event Mgmt CableHome: move milestones to April thru June 2004 Call for new editor for Event Notification MIB –draft-ietf-ipcdn-docsisevent-mib-03.txt has expired –New editor required
Page 7 IPCDN Working Group Drafts released in October 2003 DOCSIS RF MIB v2 draft 08 DOCSIS Cable Device MIB v2 draft 06 DOCSIS Subscriber Management MIB draft 13 DOCSIS BPI+ MIB draft 12 DOCSIS QoS MIB draft 09 DOCSIS Submissions
Page 8 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN DOCSIS RF v2 MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-docs-rfmibv2-08 David Raftus, Editor of draft 07 Eduardo Cardona, Editor of draft 08 November 2003
Page 9 IPCDN Working Group RFIv2 MIB Draft Changes Draft 06 discussed in IETF 56 Draft 07 –Final Revision by Primary Author David Raftus (Terayon) –Many thanks to David for leading the RFI v2 MIB development since the initial DOCSIS 2.0 inception. –David closed a considerable number of items in draft 07 (see details next slides) Draft 08 –Eduardo Cardona (CableLabs) closed remaining open issues via the IPCDN mailing list and published draft 08 –List of remaining open issues that are in scope sent on 10/1/2003
Page 10 IPCDN Working Group RFI v2 MIB Draft 07 Changes (1) Corrected MIB Module name to DOCS-IF-MIB –Draft 06 had DOCS-IETF-IF-MIB –RFI v2 replaces RFC 2670 Updated DESCRIPTION clause in several objects: –Clarifications in docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization, docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable, docsIfCmStatusEqualizationData, docsIfSignalQualityEntry and docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval –Discontinuity notes added for counters in docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable and docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable –Adjusted “Grants” types in docsIfCmtsInsertInterval Added Enumeration values: –unknown(0) to docsIfCmtsModPreambleType –registeredBPIInitializing(9) to docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue
Page 11 IPCDN Working Group RFI v2 MIB Draft 07 Changes (2) Enhanced descriptions in docsIfUpstreamChannelTable for the interface clone mechanism (continued in draft 08). Added objects for CM compliance to count UCC transactions: docsIfCmStatusUCCs and docsIfCmStatusUCCFails in docsIfCmStatusTable. Object docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset units set back as per RFC 2670 and add extra granularity with new object docsIfCmtsCmStatusHighResolutionTimingOffset. Added object docsIfCmtsCmStatusValueLastUpdate in docsIdCmtsCmStatusTable
Page 12 IPCDN Working Group RFI v2 MIB Draft 08 Changes (1) Added Normative References including associated to IMPORT clauses Resolved known Draft 07 issues: –Old Section 11 “Conflict Resolution with docsIfExt MIB” was removed the private docsIfExt MIB module is not and should not be an IPCDN submission –New section 11 “Management Interoperability of DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0” added as well as glossary terms DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0. to handle more intuitively 'DOCSIS 1.x' extensive term usage. –Added docsIfCmtsOptionalv2 GROUP for optional objects from table docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable. –Removed from DESCRIPTION clauses “optional” requirements.
Page 13 IPCDN Working Group RFI v2 MIB Draft 08 Changes (2) Interface Cloning Process: –Added DEFVAL for docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable mainly for temporary created rows –Change MAX-CLAUSE of docsIfUpChannelType to read- only; Removed OBJECT clause in docsIfBasicComplianceV2 –Clarifications and enhanced DESCRIPTION clauses for objects docsIfCmtsModulationEntry, docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile, docsIfUpChannelType, docsIfUpChannelStatus, docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom and docsIfCmtsModChannelType –Closed: Not added global byte counters in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable
Page 14 IPCDN Working Group RFI v2 MIB - pending final Draft 09 Draft Status –3 final items to be addressed in draft 09 –Need an update to the security consideration section Comments in ifAdminStatus from Jason Tessier –Section ifEntry for Upstream interfaces, remove IfAdminStatus SNMP set “chain” effect. Editorial and Technical comments on Interface cloning process –Object docsIfUpChannelUpdate: Remove SCDMA specifics, in other objects of docsIfUpstreamChannelTable already done -draft-08-. –Correct the syntax of SNMP error codes GEN_ERROR and COMMIT_FAILED_ERROR for genError and commitFailed respectively. Update Security Section –Update information to reflect current MIB Security consideration structure –Remove references to RFC 3414 and RFC 3415
Page 15 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN DOCSIS Cable Device v2 MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-device-mibv2-06 Rich Woundy, Editor November 2003
Page 16 IPCDN Working Group Modifications since –05 Added DiffServ MIB compliance statements for IP filtering –Especially Data Path, Classifier, and Action tables Deleted docsDevFilterInetTable –DiffServ MIB is used instead of defining new tables Deprecated IPv4-only, IP ToS filtering objects –docsDevFilterIpTable, docsDevFilterPolicyTable, docsDevFilterTosTable, docsDevCpeTable Editorial changes –Updated some references; added DOCSIS 2.0 references –Further IPv4 compliance text added
Page 17 IPCDN Working Group Cable Device MIB I-D Status Corrections needed/desired for draft 06 –Need to deprecate docsDevFilterIpTable object –Need to remove reference to docsDevFilterInetTable in Security Considerations –What shall we do with the size constraint on docsDevSwFilename (currently 64 octets)? WG Status –Draft 07 to be published –Draft 07 ready for WG last-call
Page 18 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN DOCSIS Subscriber Management MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-subscriber-mib-13.txt Wilson Sawyer November 2003
Page 19 IPCDN Working Group Mostly editorial changes since –12 Numerous clarifications and textual discrepancies fixed in response to MIB doctor comments from Bert Wijnen and Harrie Hazewinkel. Filter group indices changed to or to better reflect DOCSIS signaling. No other functional changes. Further IPv4/v6 compliance text added.
Page 20 IPCDN Working Group Subscriber Mgmt MIB I-D Status Status reported by Wilson: –Draft 13 completes WG last-call –Draft 13 draft remains mib-unrooted; not implementable until published as RFC. WG Status –Draft 13 ready for publication –Request to AD after IETF#58 meeting
Page 21 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN DOCSIS BPI Plus MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-bpiplus-mib-12 Eduardo Cardona, Editor November 2003
Page 22 IPCDN Working Group BPI+ MIB Draft 12 Changes Draft 10 discussed in IETF 57 Draft 11 –No technical change, simply updates Authors’ Contact information –AD review received on Draft 11 on 10/14/2003 Draft 12 –AD review comments addressed including administrative, editorial & technical –Added section 2.2 to explain the relationship between the informative reference of BPI MIB Module (RFC 3083) and BPI+ Mib Module. –Further IPv4/v6 compliance text added –TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DocsBpkmSAType description aligned with enumeration labels. –2 new TCs added for Security Association IDs: DocsSAId and DocsSAIdOrZero »DocsSAId, used for Indexes in docsBpi2CmTEKSAId, docsBpi2CmtsTEKSAId, and docsBpi2CmtsMulticastAuthSAId. »DocsSAIdOrZero used for for Columnar objects; zero value means SAID not yet determined.
Page 23 IPCDN Working Group BPI+ MIB draft 12 Changes (continued) Draft 12 –Removed Obsoleted group docsBpi2ObsoleteObjectsGroup and its objects entirely from I-D » docsBpi2CmtsAuthCmGraceTime »docsBpi2CmtsTEKGraceTime –Renumbered OIDs for the following tables: »docsBpi2CmtsAuthTable »docsBpi2CmtsTEKTable WG Status –Draft 12 ready for publication (minor date error that will be fixed anyway in RFC edits) –Request publication to AD after IETF#58
Page 24 IPCDN Working Group DOCSIS QoS MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-qos-mib-09 Michael Patrick & William Murwin Motorola BCS November 2003
Page 25 IPCDN Working Group Status of QoS MIB Draft version 9 addresses all issues from IPCDN and DOCSIS OSS working groups to date. Ready for WG-Last Call and then submission to IESG Open Issue WG Chairs to seek AD advice on the use of IP ToS instead of IP DSCP
Page 26 IPCDN Working Group Draft History (1) DOCS-QOS-MIB version 4 –tComLabs & Cable Labs require DOCS-QOS-MIB version 4 for Certification Wave Testing. –All DOCSIS 1.1 & 2.0 certified CMs and CMTSs currently implement DOCS-QOS-MIB version 4. DOCS-QOS-MIB version 5 –The description of docsQosServiceFlowPkts was changed to avoid requiring CMs to classify downstream packets. However the new description gave the impression that this counter now counted delayed, dropped, and transmitted packets. DOCS-QOS-MIB version 6 –InetAddress objects added in favor of IpAddress syntax for IPv6. –Deprecated objects of type IpAddress for backwards compatibility with DOC-QOS-MIB version 4. –Added objects that were removed from earlier revisions of the MIB, as obsolete objects. This was done to explain the gaps in the numbering of objects, to prevent re-use in future versions of the MIB.
Page 27 IPCDN Working Group Draft History (2) DOCS-QOS-MIB version 7 –Re-rooted the MIB –Added 64-bit packet counters –ECN RFI-N changed the default values for the Maximum Traffic Burst and the Maximum Concatenated Burst –Clarify the packet counters descriptions DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB version 8 –Addressed all Issues from IPCDN Interim Meeting Denver, CO (Feb 13, 2003) –MIB Module name was changed to correspond to Re-Rooting the of the MIB in version 7 –Add StorageType objects to tables with RowStatus objects –Use of InetPortNumber –Text revised to mention DOCSIS 2.0 as well as 1.1
Page 28 IPCDN Working Group Draft History (3) DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB version 9 –All DisplayString objects changed to SnmpAdminString Syntax. –This change is a preventive measure in case DOCSIS ever changes the Cable Modem Configuration File to support UTF-8 characters, which currently is ASCII only for Service Class Names. »Impact: Since SnmpAdminString values are encoded the same for ASCII characters as DisplayString values, this has minimal impact on agents that support the DOCSIS QOS MIB using DisplayString. »Potential Impact: If DOCSIS was ever changed to use UTF-8 for Service Class Names and the MIB still displayed Service Class Names as DisplayStrings, then a new version of the DOCSIS-IEFT-QOS-MIB would be required that deprecated an number of service class name objects, as well as deprecated the docsQosServiceClassTable because the docsQosServiceClassName(DisplayString) is the index to this table. docsQosServiceClassName is the only Read-Create Service Class Name, and its description contains the current DOCSIS rules for this object as well as a reference to the DOCSIS Specification where the rules are stated.
Page 29 IPCDN Working Group Draft History (4) DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB version 9 (cont) –Removed Bullet from Section This bullet discussed how the docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets and docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets should operate. This should now be handle by the DOCSIS RF-MIBv2 and not by the DOCSIS QOS MIB. –Updated the Packet Counter Description –The descriptions to docsQosServiceFlowPkts, docsQosServiceFlowPHSUnkowns, docsQosServiceFlowPolicedDropPkts, and docsQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts have been updated and agreed upon by all parties involved. Everyone seems content with the current descriptions. –docsQosPktClassVlanId syntax changed »The docsQosPktClassVlanId syntax has been changed to Integer32 (0| ) which is inline with the textual convention, “VlanIdOrNone”, being proposed draft ietf-ops-vlanid- tc-mib-00.txt. VLAN 4095 is reserved in IEEE 802.1Q and will be used in IETF to mean “Any” VLAN, a concept that DOCSIS does not have. –IP ToS vs. Differentiated Services »The DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB has always and continues to use IP Type of Service instead IP DSCP, because of the DOCSIS Protocol use of IP ToS. »There is concern that the DOCS-IETF-QOS-MIB uses IP ToS. »Thus Section 4, DOCSIS and IPv4 Type-of-Service(ToS) Field, was added to explain that the DOCS-IEFT-QOS-MIB just reflects the DOCSIS protocols use of IP ToS Fields.
Page 30 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom MTA MIB Draft 01 –WGLC ended on 7/18 –MIB doctor review comment (part I) received on August 11, 2003 Draft –02 –Released on October 9, 2003 –MIB doctor comments addressed in –02 –Draft 02 completes WG LC comments –WG Status »Only partial MIB doctor was received from Mike Heard »Additional MIB doctor review requested to AD on 10/7/2003
Page 31 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom Signaling MIB Draft 01 –WGLC ended on 7/18 Draft 02 –Released on October 9, 2003 –WG Status »MIB doctor review REQUIRED
Page 32 IPCDN Working Group PacketCable/IPCablecom Management Event MIB Draft-02 published in May’03 but was never posted on IETF ID repository; New Draft-02 published in October 2003 –Addressed Known Comments from ETSI and list –MIB doctor review REQUIRED
Page 33 IPCDN Working Group CableHome Submissions No new updates since June 2003 Remote Diagnostic Tools MIB draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-tools-mib-00.txt 1 comment received from Randy Presuhn (disman wg chair) re: ping MIB and draft-ietf-ipcdn-cable-gateway-tools-mib-00 Proposal –Create a compliance statement from ping mib –Propose for Randy’s review
Page 34 IPCDN Working Group IPCDN WG Next Steps Advance to IESG – Subscriber Management MIB – BPI+ MIB Waiting for Review – Finished WGLC, waiting for MIB Doctor Review – PacketCable/IPCablecom MTA MIB – PacketCable/IPCablecom Signaling MIB Finalize and start WGLC on – DOCSIS Cable Device v2 MIB – RF MIB v2 MIB Get other MIBs updated and ready for Last Call – QoS MIB Update CableHome MIBs Revise Charter Milestones