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Alerts & Notifications Social Networking
Destinations (“nouns”) Tasks (“verbs”) Known categories Custom categories User Tasks Taskbar Tasks Pinned category
JumpListManager jlm =...; jlm.AdduserTask(new ShellLink { Path="Foo", Title = "The Foo application", IconLocation="Foo.exe", IconIndex=0, Arguments = "/bar" }); jlm.AddCustomeDestination(new ShellItem { Path=…, Categrot=… });
<win7:TaskbarItemInfo ProgressState="{Binding ElementName=_progState, Path=SelectedItem}" ProgressValue="{Binding ElementName=_proglider, Path=Value}" Description="{Binding ElementName=_textBox, Path=Text}" Overlay="{Binding ElementName=_overlaySelection, Path=SelectedItem.Source}"> <win7:JumpTask ApplicationPath=“Foo.exe" IconResourcePath=“Foo.exe" IconResourceIndex="0" Arguments="/Bar" Title=“The Foo Application" Description="Start Foo.exe "/>
Social Networking
3. RSS results returned from server
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and Communication Search, News and Research Shopping Entertainment Sharing Memories Social Networking Visual Search Web SlicesAccelerators Richer, more active, and more useful search. Monitor your favorites sites on the Web. Direct, contextual access to web services from any page.
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