Calculating the number of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. Using the atomic number and the mass number of an element square.
The Atom Is about….. Anything that has matter/mass or takes up space. Made up of three subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons)
Atomic Number Number of protons Used to determine what kind of element/atom you have. Always a whole number Also, tells us the number of electrons in a neutral atom.
Mass Number Equal to the number of protons + neutrons Equals the mass of the nucleus Decimal number Round to a whole number to use
Atomic Mass Average mass of all the isotopes for a certain atom. Same as the mass number (for this year) Mass can change because we can add or remove neutrons. Use the mass – atomic number to solve for neutrons.
8 O Oxygen 15.999 Element Square Key Atomic Number Symbol Name of Element Atomic Mass Mass Number Atomic Weight Atomic Number = Protons and Electron Calculate Neutrons = Rounded Atomic Mass – Atomic Number EXAMPLE: 15.999 rounds to 16 so 16 – 8 = 8 Oxygen has 8 neutrons!
#1 Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass B
#2 Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass 11
#3 Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass 31
#4 31 37 Hint = Isotope Think about what number will be different Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass 31 37 Hint = Isotope Think about what number will be different
#5 Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass 89
#6 Symbol Atomic Number Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass 207
More Practice Complete the chart When complete you may color code the atoms on the back