Misc Text From choice, a world of possibilities Matrix Report Interpretation
The Matrix Report Can help you see: Absolute numbers and trends over time Areas of focus Areas that could use more attention Areas in need of promotion/marketing.
Graphs New Users line graph: trend in total number of new users to MA clinical outlets CYP line graph: trend in total CYP of MA SPDs CYP pie chart: contribution of each method to total CYP in 2005 (CYP is Function of distribution and contraceptive effectiveness)
Tables Table 1- New Users to clinic over time by method (see both absolute number and percent change over time) Table 2- Items Provided- absolute numbers of distribution of each method, % change over time per method CYP achievement tables 3a and 3b allow you to examine CYP by method vs. by channel. Note % change in tables 2,3 are equal
Table 4a Top row is Total contraceptive services [excluding counseling] – shows absolute numbers and % change over time, by channel. Note: a lot of MAs reported on non-clinical channels because it was a possibility in the system. In the future, only report service on clinical outlets. Lower down in Table 4a, in bold, you see totals for general FP counseling and for EC counseling. Note: We separate out counseling service from contraceptive services, but in your MA, in interpreting these reports, you could choose to add counseling and service totals- both fall into Contraceptive Service category.
Table 4b Table 4b lets you know total # of channels of distribution
Table 5: SRH services (non contraceptive) For each service reported, shows total number of services provided over the past 3 years. At the bottom there is a TOTAL SRH non contraceptive service total Note: may add % change to this table Look programmatically by A- shows you where your emphasis is- youth counseling has high numbers. Shows you areas in need of promotion/marketing. Shows you areas of underreporting
Table 6: non-SRH services Same interpretation as Table 5: see your areas of focus, think about areas to expand, note underreporting. Line graphs at end show you trends over time by type of SRH service, non SRH service.
Exercise Look at your country’s matrix report Answer the following questions: 1. What are contraceptives most commonly distributed? 2. What are most common FP services given through clinical outlets? 3. For each A, what are most common services? Least common? 4. What areas are in need of promotion of attention? 5. For both SRH and non-SRH: What are programmatic areas of focus? 6. Looking at the data above, and thinking of the reality of your programs, do you think you are under- or over-reporting any of the above area
Thank you!