Status Review of the mission to 7 th NFSMGC meeting Action Plan of NFSM in the First year of 12 th Five Year Plan
NFSM production Targets- Achievements CropTarg et 10 th plan11 th planincrease over base Normal Normal Tml year Normal Rice Wheat Pulses FGs Proposed Target for 12 th Plan is 25 million tons over the average of 11 th Plan so as to meet the projected demand of 260 million tons
Crop wise Targets in12 th plan (in million tons) for additional production over base CropBase Rice Wheat Pulses Coarse Cereals Total
Total Food grains production In million tons
Additional Production of Food Grains
NFSM Fund Releases in 11 th plan( Rs in Crores) CropYear Total Rice Wheat Pulses Others incl. Awards Total Against approved plan outlay of 4883 crores
State wise expenditure in 11 th Plan State ReleaseExpenditure% Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Bihar Orissa Rajasthan Karnataka West Bengal Punjab Assam Chhattisgarh Tamil Nadu Haryana Gujarat Jharkhand Kerala 9782 Jammu & Kashmir 300 Tripura 400 Central level Total Rupees in crores Exp figures of are tentative
NFSM proposal for 12 th Plan Accelerated Crop Production Program8, Sustainability of Crop Production Program6,053.6 Fodder Development Program453 Incentives on use of Inputs – Seeds, Soil ameliorants, micro nutrients, farm machines5,952 Local Initiatives/Site Specific Activities1,200 Special Program for Remote areas (with NGOs)150 Strategic Research Projects200 Resource Conservation Farm Agro Centers for agri services350 Incentives to farmers for availing agri Services375 Climate change mitigation projects1,000 Evaluation8 Project Management Teams Miscellaneous74.2 Publicity400 Awards144.4 Total25, Amount in Rs. crores 1.In principle approval of Planning Commission received 2.EFC note ready Annual plan within extant guidelines to be prepared
Modifications within guidelines Clusters for demonstrating technologies – 100 hectares – Cropping system based for resource conservation DSR in low wheat productivity districts of PB, Har, UP Laying sub soil drainage system in acute water logged areas – Front line demonstrations to ICAR crop directorates Availability of critical inputs as agri service Mobile sprinklers Inclusion of more States for strategic reasons North Eastern States for rice Hill States of J&K, HP and UK for wheat Staggered rates of distribution subsidy for pulses – Production subsidy subsumed for new varieties Rationalization of some components – Specific choice of hybrid, IPP, SRI left to the States – Seed minikits subsumed in cluster demonstration costs – Number of sessions reduced; honorarium to farmer facilitators
Modifications deferred Taking up fodder, millets and maize crops – Included under RKVY and ISOPOM Revision in subsidy norms – Proposal under submission for consideration of EFC Sustainable Cereals Production Program in Non NFSM districts – Linked to National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture New components – Strategic research on cereals crops – Involvement of NGOs to cover remote areas – Special Projects on Climate Change – Resource Conservation Agri Farm Centers – Incentives for availing agri services
State RiceWheatPulsesA3PCC, fodder Total Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pardesh Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Rajasthan Karnataka Bihar Chattisgarh Orissa Punjab West Bengal Gujarat Haryana Assam Other NE States Tamilnadu Jharkhand Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand Kerala J& K Total States GOI level/reserve G.Total Action Plans of the States being finalized
Carried forward/ongoing activities External Evaluation – Report of Mid term evaluation by AFC likely by May end – End of term evaluation work to be initiated by July Monitoring – Crop situation using remote sensing tools; PDAs under FAO-DFID project – Service delivery through National, State and District level PMTs Revamping of PMTs being planned Pilot research projects of ICARDA and ICRISAT on pulses – Research funds provided for pulses in the annual plan Study on Agricultural Outlook to NCAER – First quarterly report likely to be released by May end Linking up ‘Farmer Producers Organizations’ for Pulses being set up by SFAC – Supply of inputs as agri businesses e.g. protective irrigation to pulses using mobile sprinklers
Focus Pulses and Millets – Kharif crops – Pest and disease management – Linkage to Markets Procurement; MSP and Private sector Rainfed areas and Eastern India – Collaborate with CGIAR and IOs Capacity Development – Assessment of Components Studies ICT and RT tools – Human Resource Management Performance orientation
Sum up Annual Action Plan for would continue to focus on ‘bridging the yield gaps’ Plan is strengthened with permissible changes to deliver desired interventions to farmers Mission will continue to seek support for MSP, Procurement, Credit, Fertilizers, Water and Power from other Ministries Mission will forge partnerships to adopt best practices in delivery of services to the farmers
Thank you! Mukesh Khullar Mission Director National Food Security Mission Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India