Water resource, utilization and development in southern India
Water resources of India Although India occupies only 3.29 million km2 geographical area, which forms 2.4% of the world’s land area, it supports over 15% of the world’s population. The population of India as on 1 March 2001 stood at 1,027,015,247 persons. Thus, India supports about 1/6th of world population, 1/50thof world’s land and 1/25th of world’s water resources. The total utilizable water resources of the country are assessed as 1086 km3.
Southern India
States : AndhraPradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamilnadu Pondicherry A& N Islands Lakshadweep Rivers: Godavari Krishna Cauveri Pennar
Irrigation projects constructed before 1950 AD states Name of the project Name of river on which constructed Period Area irrigated ( Mha) Andhra Pradesh Godavari Delta Godavari Madras Presidency Krishna Delta Project Krishna
Irrigation projects constructed during first three five year plans
Andhra Pradesh: Name of the projectPlan & YearUltimate benefit ( Mha) Nagarjuna Sugar 1 st ( 1956)0.83 Tungabhadra high level2 nd ( 1958) 0.04 Pochampad3 rd ( 1963)0.27 Tamilnadu and Kerala: Name of the projectPlan & YearUltimate benefit ( Mha) Parambiklam Aliyar ( TN)2 nd ( 1958) 0.10 Kallada ( KE)3 rd ( 1962)0.11
Karnataka Name of the projectPlan & YearUltimate benefit ( Mha) Bhadra Reservoir1 st ( 1947) 0.10 Ghataprabha Stage -2 2 nd ( 1956) 0.05 Kabina Reservoir2 nd ( 1959) 0.05 Malaprabha 3 rd ( 1965) 0.21 Upper Krishna Stage-1 3 rd ( 1964) 0.41
Irrigation potential and utilization through Major and Medium Irrigation Projects StatesUltimate irrigation potential Benefit up to POT UTL Target for eighth plan ( ) POT UTL Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamilnadu Pondicherry (Thousand hectares)
Irrigation potential and utilization through Minor Irrigation Schemes StatesUltimate irrigation potential Benefit up to POT UTL Target for eighth plan ( ) POT UTL Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamilnadu (Thousand hectares)
Gross and Net Cropped and Irrigated Area ( Provisional) Zone/ StateCultivated area N G Irrigated area N G % net irrigated area to net Cultivated area Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamilnadu Pondicherry A & N Islands38 46 NA NA NA Lakshadweep3 4 NA NA NA (Thousand hectares)
Net Area Irrigated by source ( Provisional) Zone/ StateCanalsTanksTube wells Other wells Other source s total net irrigated area Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala NA Tamilnadu Pondicherry9NA14NA 23 A & N IslandsNA LakshadweepNA (Thousand hectares)