Julia James
Historian: Most of my family is from India like my aunt is from Kerala, India. My aunt got a good education which is good because a lot of people in India were poor. There are mountains and rivers nearby her to where she lived. Also she didn’t leave because a war was happening in fact there wasn't really anything happening except an earthquake. She liked the United States and she came here with her husband and lived in her husbands house and when she came to the United States her husband and his family helped her.
Economist: My aunt got an average job in the United States she was a clerk and she got paid an ok amount. She and her family made a good living but some friends didn't make a good living and if she and her family didn’t make a good living then she would have no choice but to go back to India.
Geographer: For my aunt, India was pretty and sometimes she would miss India a lot and she would frequently think about India. When she got to the United States she moved right in to Chicago and planned to stay in Chicago and she liked it a lot. My aunt took a flight to Chicago it took about 21 hours for her to get to the United States which is most of the day and there wasn't any problems on the way to the United States.
Political Scientist When my aunt got to America the government was good to her and her family and the government also treats her fairly and there were no restrictions for her and her family. But my aunt did feel different by the way she dressed and she did know how to speak English but not fluently and it was hard to adjust because of lifestyle adjustments. And that is my how my aunt got to America.