Course Review – learning goals 1. I will describe the nature of compassion & suffering and how Catholics are called to respond. 2. I can make good choices based on my faith in order to serve God and the community. 3. I can articulate Catholic anthropology and it impacts our response to suffering. 4. I can describe and apply the concepts of justice and injustice using a Catholic worldview. 5. I can describe how prophets (old & new) call us to faithful Christian lives. 6. I can demonstrate how we live in a web of relationships which affect one another.
Course Review – learning goals 7. I will be able to identify and describe the historical and cultural evolution of Catholic Social Teaching. 8. I will be able to identify and describe the eight themes of CST. 9. I will be to describe the Kingdom of God and apply it to CST. 10. I will identify and describe the significance of the consistent ethic of life as it relates to the themes of CST and contemporary issues. 11. I will apply the Consistent Ethic of Life and the notion of Human Dignity to the contemporary issues (i.e., abortion & euthanasia). 12. I will describe the interdependence of poverty, participation, rights, work, and solidarity by applying them to contemporary issues.
Course Review – key terms/concepts Moral Ethical Justice Freedom Suffering Compassion Hopelessness Enlightened Self-Interest Individualism Love Grace Equity Decalogue Beatitudes Golden Rule Five Fold Nature of Sin Five Truths of Being Human Charity Original Sin Agape and Logos Literal vs. Contextual Readers Hebrew vs. Christian Testaments Patriarchs Covenant Salvation History Biblical Prophets Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Hebrew vs. Catholic View of - Afterlife Faith in Action Cycle Worldview Interdependent Systems Social Sin Solidarity Nonviolent non-cooperation Ecological Ethical Theological Socio-economic Physical Political Life Ethics Social Ethics Contractual Economy Economy of Obligation Economy of Sheer Gratuity Stewardship
Course Review – key terms/concepts Rerum Novarum Human Dignity Participation: the call to - family and community Rights and Responsibilities The Preferential Option for - the Poor and Vulnerable The Dignity of Work and - the Rights of Workers Solidarity Stewardship Promotion of the Peace The Kingdom of God Competing social hierarchies The Parousia The Beatitudes The Sermon on the Mount The Consistent Ethic of Life The Seamless Garment Culture of Life Abortion Active Euthanasia Passive Euthanasia Assisted Suicide Material Poverty Spiritual Poverty The Cycle of Poverty Chronic Hunger/Malnutrition Survival vs. Thrival Needs Vocation Marriage Religious Life Single Life Consent Annulment Divorce Procreation Socialization Fidelity Passion (Infatuation) Intimacy Commitment
Course Review – key terms/concepts Loving Relationships
Course Review In addition to i) being able to define and describe the significance of key terms/concepts and ii) provide responses to the learning goals, you should be able to iii) describe how the Catholic worldview might respond to a variety of issues/questions/cite passages.