GSC Report Simon Morris (Durham University, GSC Chair)
Outline The ‘New’ GSC Agenda for Oct GSC Meeting
The ‘New’ GSC The Gemini Science Committee provides the Observatory and the Gemini Board with strategic and near-term advice on scientific issues. This includes the content of the on-going instrumentation program and scientific performance requirements for the telescopes and instrumentation. The GSC is expected to be represented at the annual strategic planning activities of the Observatory and to actively participate. The GSC in whole or in part may assist the Director by functioning as a User Committee by assessing the Observatory's responsiveness to the national scientific communities.
The ‘New’ GSC Prof. Simon Morris (Chair) Dr. Timothy C. Beers Dr. Simon Casassus Dr. Scott Croom Dr. Rene Doyon Dr. Nancy A. Levenson Dr. Ross J. Mclure Dr. Christopher C. Packham Dr. Suzie Ramsey- Howatt Dr. Henry G. Roe Dr. Basilio Santiago Prof. Alan Stockton Dr. Chris Willott
Agenda for Oct GSC Meeting Copy of agenda on UK 8m UG web site Docs for meeting distributed Monday 8/10/07 Deployment of Gemini instruments on GN/GS = Long Range Plan Scientific priorities at Gemini for 2008 = Short Term Priorities Discussion of User Issues
Short Term Priorities Red CCDs for GMOS N. The GSC still holds to a specification of ‘competitive with FORS2’ ALTAIR LGS –With NIFS (and NIRI with PSF variable) – option for no field lens larger TT sky coverage –Larger FOV for TT with field lens (goal to get comparable sky coverage to Keck LGS) –Improve the operational elevation from ≥ 59 deg to ≥ 30 deg –Goal of comparable IQ to Keck LGS Blind offset ability for GN (and GS) – GMOS high priority MICHELLE –Eliminate image elongation which is impacting science output –Dual beam chopping/guiding –Increase chop throw to 30” –Spectropolarimetry NICI –Commissioning –System Verification –Start of science campaign FLAMINGOS 2 (see above for some discussion of the GSC opinion on the relative priority of Flamingos 2 and MCAO) –Commissioning –System Verification –Demo science MCAO –System Verification –GSAOI –Flamingos-2 –MCAO science operation readiness Red CCDs for GMOS S. The GSC still holds to a specification of ‘competitive with FORS2’. NB First priority for red CCDs is GMOS N. Blind offset ability for GS – GMOS, GNIRS high priority
OPC Report Simon Morris (Durham University, OPC Chair)
Outline P80 Laboca Delta Call P81
P Normal proposals and 14 Large proposals The numbers of subpanels was increased (from 10 to 12) and the amount of time for subpanel discussion and ranking of the proposals was also increased (from ~ 2 to ~2.5 days) The OPC approved the continuation of all the ongoing Large Programmes. The specific case of the zCOSMOS survey by Lilly et al. was discussed, and its continuation supported despite a possible need to take 4 years to complete. The overall demand per telescope remains high for almost all telescopes.
Pressure factor shown as time requested for all classes of proposal (including Large) divided by the time available
Laboca Delta Call Laboca available for limited number of nights (2 runs, ~26 nights) for ESO during P80 Separate meeting of a panel Some ‘large’ programmes recommended (e.g. Smail et al. survey of ECDFS) Merged with Apex-2A and Flash
P81 3 ‘Procedures’ documents on UK 8m UG web site –Feedback (presented in March 2007) –Panel Chair Guidelines –Large Programme Procedures Chair got list of proposals and panel members today (wed 10/10/07). Hotel broadband too slow to download…