Entrance of the Republic of Tajikistan (RT) into Eurasian Customs Union
Eurasian Economic Union Price decreases due to low cost of logistics Healthy competition inside the union due to equal economic development Increase of competition Increase in salary due to low costs and increase in productivity Growth of production due to increase in demand Increase of welfare of nations due to low prices and occupancy in import and exporting firms Increase of GDP minimum on 25% Ne technology
General Information three members-Eurasian Customs Union Eurasian Economic Union- Astana-Announcement E.Rahmon announcement 2012-Round table: Eurasian Institute of Research and executives of the RT some issues
Research by Eurasian Bank of Development % in favor
Positive Effects Economic reforms Positive income of million dollars. Labor market: 42 billion dollars Local sewing companies Development of industry Absolute advantage in agrarian market Investment Logistics- income-silk road-Sinzyan-Uygur Ways to connect Soutn and North Mutual benefit (balance) Ru-geopolitics Tj-economic
Negative Effects Small businesses Russian influence Budget of the RT: taxes, barriers, quotas Investment: TALCO Logistics: Project Casa-1000 Railways-Turkmenistan-Afganistan-Tajikistan
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