Reformation Results: Division, Reformation, Revival CHURCH HISTORY II Lesson 12
I. Division: The breaking apart of Christendom CATHOLIC Spain Italy PROSTESTANT England Scotland Germany-Holy Roman Empire Peace of Augsburg-1555 Cuius regio, cius religio “who’s the rule is the religion PROBLEM: People move Failed to recognize Calvinist/Reformed
FRANCE HuguenotsAlways faced persecution John Calvin “Tears and prayers are our weapons” Charles IX Catherine de Medici catechism Ministerial training
Admiral Gaspard de Coligny St. Bartholomew’s Day : August 23, 1572 War of Three Henry’s Edict of Nantes, 1598
NETHERLANDSTHE LOW COUNTRY William of Orange William the Silent North declared independence 1607 Protestant NorthHolland Catholic SouthBelgium
II. REFORMATION A. Ministry B. Theological change CatholicCouncil of Trent LutheranAugsburg Confession 1530 ReformedSeveral confessions Each nation had it’s own Formula of Concordia 1580
1559Gallican 1560Scots 1561Belgic 1561/66Second Helvetic 1563HeidelbergLow Countries Articles 1581Theodore BezaThe Harmony of Confession
C.Literacy & Education D.Arts Visual Music E.Economics The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber
III. REVIVAL Many defects and disappointments Protestant Spirituality Word Psalter The Lord’s Day The Lord’s Supper Everyday Life