By: Brandie Rice
Molly’s First Day Written by: Brandie Rice Mom: Molly, hurry up! You don’t want to miss the bus on your very first day! Molly: Oh! I’m coming! I just have to brush my teeth. Honk! Mom: Now you have a good first day! Behave, do as you’re told and be nice, okay? Molly: I will Mom don’t worry! Mom: Okay! Mom: Oh, that must be the bus! Have a god day. I love you! Molly: I love you too Mom! Bus Driver: Good morning! Welcome to the bus! Take a seat and stay seated until we get to school. Molly: Thank you. Good morning. I will. Miss Rice: Welcome to First Grade boys and girls. My name is Miss Rice and I am your teacher. I want to take you through the rules of the classroom and the school. Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be a rule while we are in class? Boy #1: We have to listen to you when you are talking!
Miss Rice: That’s right. We also have to listen to our fellow classmates if they are talking. Girl #1: We also have to do our work, right? Miss Rice: That’s right. The reason you are here is to learn. You will learn so much more if you do all your work! Miss Rice: There are so many new places for us to find in the school! Follow me and I’ll show you. This is the nurse’s office. Class, say hello Mrs. White Class: Hello Mrs. White! Miss Rice: What are some reasons why anyone would need to visit Mrs. White this year? Boy #2: Oh I know! If we have a tummy ache! Miss Rice: Very good! Any others? Molly: Maybe if we lose a tooth? Miss Rice: Absolutely! Our next stop is the office. Many things happen in here and we won’t spend too much time here over the year I hope!
Boy #1: Is this where you go if you get in trouble? Molly: I hope I never have to come here again then! Miss Rice: That is true because the Principal’s office is in here but the office also does a lot of other things! Girl #2: Like what? Miss Rice: Well our secretaries here are always busy keeping the school running. They make sure everyone is in school. They make all the announcements that you will hear throughout the day. They also answer all the phones and answer everyone’s questions. Miss Rice: There are so many other places and people in the school that we will meet another day! But for we have to write down our homework and get ready to get back on the busses! Another important lesson about school is that we must always do our homework! Class: Aw man…that’s no fun! Miss Rice: No worries class, homework is always fun in First Grade! Now hurry along- you wouldn’t want to miss the bus! Class: Good bye Miss Rice! See you tomorrow!
Miss Rice: Bye- Bye boys and girls! I hope you had a wonderful first day! Mom: Oh Molly! How was your first day? Molly: I like Miss Rice! She’s so nice and she showed us so many people and places in the school! Mom: Well I’m glad to hear it! Let’s go get a snack and you can tell me all about your first day before we start your homework! Molly: Okay, well first we….