Previous Gnews
5 Patches – x bugs addressed Other updates, MSRT, Defender Definitions, Junk Mail Filter 5 Security Patches - 5 Critical –MS – JScript Scripting Engine, Remote Execution –MS – DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control, Remote Execution –MS – Windows Media Format, Remote Execution –MS – Windows TCP/IP, Remote Execution –MS – Wireless LAN AutoConfig Service, Remote Execution Patch Tuesday
Cisco Wireless Controllers –DoS, Mem Leak, HTTP Auth Bypass Cisco Firewall Services Module –DoS – ICMP Messages Adobe Flex, Multiple Vulns FreeBSD –DoS - kevent and syscall Linux 2.4/2.6 Local Privilege Escalation ColdFusion, XSS Holes / Patches
Counterstrike –DoS / Code Execution Half-Life 2 –DoS / Security Bypass/ Code Execution Pidgin, Vuln in libpurple Chrome –JavaScript / SSL / XML Avast! Local Privilege Escalation Oracle delays patches for Con now scheduled for Oct 20th Holes / Patches
Hacking Microsoft FTP Rsnake SMB enum and decloaking Twitter, it’s not just for BotNet C&C anymore Diesel Hybrid, 78mpg Mitnick, booted off ISP ( and AT&T Wireless Snow Leopard = Vuln Flash Wordpress Worm
Corp. Hell London surveillance under fire –1 crime per 1000 cameras Immunet, cloud anti-virus Snow Leopard ships with malware detector Snow Leopard breaks full disk encryption hacked Legal iPhone Jail Break Auth’ed thru support and synced via iTunes
Corp. Hell
Film / Music Irish ISP to block Pirate Bay
WTF EFF finds loop hole in "burning man terms of service“ Sandia launches 1 mil node bot net Jericho rants all your interwebs are belong to the white house Wind Farm or Pending Death DHS travel logs
Updates xplico Network Forensic Tool, Pcap Parser trafscrambler 0.2 Mac, anti-sniffer subseven back under dev with orignal author IKECrack IKE / IPSEC authentication craker Stoned Bootkit MBR root kit
Legal Ohio charges “lazy” employee as “hacker”
SecTor, 5 – 7 Oct / Toronto ToorCon, Oct / San Diego Con
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