TEXT STRUCTURE How the information in a text is organized
DESCRIPTIVE Primary Colors Red Blue Yellow Text Clues: Action Verbs: explode, unfold, nibble Linking Verbs: is, belong Factual Descriptions – organizes facts that describe a specific topic Web Detail Topic
SEQUENTIAL OR CHRONOLOGICAL Bell Rings Sit Down Class Begins Text Clues: before, during, after, finally, immediately, first/last, soon, next, meanwhile - organizes events in the order they occur
COMPARE & CONTRAST SummerSpring Text Clues: although, both, but, in common, likewise, similarly, the difference between, compared to, either, opposed to, and yet – organizes information according to similarities and differences Venn Diagram compares contrasts
PROVIDES INFORMATION ABOUT A PROBLEM AND SUGGESTS ALTERNATIVES FOR THE SOLUTION Text Clues: one reason for that, the evidence is, a solution, a problem, propose, conclude, the issue is, Problem Solution PROBLEM & SOLUTION
TELLS HOW ONE OR MORE EVENTS CAUSES ANOTHER EVENT(S) TO FOLLOW AS A RESULT Text Clues: as a result, because, this led to, nevertheless, if... Then, so that, thus, accordingly, so, consequently Cause Effect CAUSE & EFFECT