MOKE RESULTS JM micron square pads 50nm Ni/ C10-dithiol / 20nm Co Line scan across Pad
Scans on this pad
Y = point MOKE line scan High-res. DC line scan
2 plots File reference: JM16-TenmaDirect-pad5line-R-10
1 plots
1w comparison – on the pad vs. off the pad
Observations Output DC intensity and 1ω signal show clear reductions on the pad. However, 2ω signal is barely changed (it has increased noise on the pad). Coercivity shows no change. These results are consistent with ferromagnetic coupling of the two layers. Still need to explain why the 1ω shows a larger change than the 2ω. A total of 10 pads were looked at on this sample. All showed similar behavior.
Individual hysteresis loops
“down” half of loop
“up” half of loop