Applied Nuclear Physics Group The final meeting of IAEA CRP 2006. 5. 29 – 6. 2 Calculation and Evaluation of (n,  ) Cross Sections for Producing 32 P,


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Presentation transcript:

Applied Nuclear Physics Group The final meeting of IAEA CRP – 6. 2 Calculation and Evaluation of (n,  ) Cross Sections for Producing 32 P, 105 Rh, 131 I and 192 Ir H.D. Choi and S.K. Kim Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Nuclear Data for Production of Therapeutic Radionuclides

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 2 CRP Workscope  Radioisotopes : 32 P, 105 Rh, 131 I, 192 Ir  Production : 31 P(n,  ) 32 P, 104 Ru(n,  ) 105 Ru, 130 Te(n,  ) 131 Te, 191 Ir(n,  ) 192 Ir  Nuclear structure and decay data : ENSDF  Experimental data : EXFOR  Isomeric states for two isotopes : 131g,m1 Te, 192g,m1,m2 Ir  Thermal and RR region : resonance parameters + NJOY  Unresolved R region : libraries (ENDF/B-VI or JENDL-3.3)  High energy region : TALYS calculation (default) (OMP + other parameters tuning)  Integral data production & validation

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 3 32 P Production  Decay scheme of 32 P

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 4 32 P Production  Thermal neutron capture cross section of 31 P. AuthorPublication Thermal (n,  ) cross section [b] Seren (46) Pomerance (15) Grimeland (2) Jozefowitz (8) Kappe (74) Ishikawa (1) Salama (12) Zeng (5) Sun (unpublished) (2) Evaluation (Mughabghab) (6) This workAveraged cross section0.172(4)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 5  Thermal cross section : 172(4) mb  Resonance parameters : JENDL-3.3  Negative energy resonance parameter tuning : E R = keV,   = 2.07 eV (tuned)  High energy region : 545 keV – 20 MeV TALYS default calculation (local OMP)  Consistency & improvement achieved  EXFOR item (Macklin) at 30 keV : compilation error Derived integral cross section for T = 30 keV Maxwellian Data uncertainty input error 32 P Production

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 6 32 P Production  31 P(n,  ) 32 P reaction cross sections

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 7  Decay scheme of 105 Ru and 105 Rh 105 Rh Production

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 8  Decay data for 105 Ru, ground and isomeric states of 105 Rh 105 Rh Production RadioisotopeHalf-lifeDecay modeMain radiation [keV] (branching ratio) 105 Ru4.44(2) hβ  (100%)  -rays (18.8%) (47.8%) … (17.5%) (47.3%) … 105m Rh45 sIT (100%)  -ray CE (20%) ce-K, (51.3%) ce-L, (23.1%) ce-M, (4.49%) 105 Rh35.36(6) hβ  (100%)  -rays 69.9 (19.7%) (75.0%, decay to ground state 105 Pd) … (5.1%) (19.1%) … IT : isomeric transition, CE : conversion electron, : average energy of  -rays.

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Rh Production  Thermal neutron cross section : two EXFOR items only both consistent  466(15) mb  Resonance parameters : Mughabghab +   = 0.14 eV (tuned) at E R = eV  Unresolved Resonance region (11 – 300 keV) : JENDL  Higher energy region (above 300 keV) : TALYS calculation normalization factor 1.9  14 MeV cross section = 3 mb Wagner(1980,latest) : 0.86(15) mb, average : 1.0(2) mb

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Rh Production  104 Ru (n,  ) 105 Ru reaction cross sections

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I production by 131g,m Te  -decay  Decay scheme of 131 Te and 131 I  Two final states of 131 Te 131m Te(30 hr) keV, 11/2 -, 77.8%  -decay, 22.2% IT 131g Te(25 m) g. s., 3/2 +, 100%  -decay

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 12  Decay data for ground and isomeric states of 131 Te and for 131 I RadioisotopeHalf-lifeDecay modeMain radiation [keV] (branching ratio) 131m Te30(2) h β  (77.8%) IT(22.2%)  -ray CE (0.85%) ce-K, (14.4%) ce-L, (5.44%) … 131g Te25.0(1) mβ  (100%)  -rays (9.96%) (21.7%) (59.3%) … (68.8%) (18.2%) … 131 I (11) dβ  (100%)  -rays 96.6 (7.3%) 192 (90%) … (82%) 637 (7.2%) … IT : isomeric transition, CE : conversion electron, : average energy of  -rays. 131 I Production

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  130 Te(n,  ) 131 Te reaction cross section (existing libraries)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  Isomeric ratios for thermal neutron capture cross section of 130 Te AuthorPublication Isomeric ratios for thermal neutron capture δ 1 (= σ g /σ m )δ 2 (= σ m /σ g+m ) Seren Sehgal Mangal Namboodiri (3) Bondarenko (5) Reifarth (5) Tomandl-I (2) Tomandl-II (4) Evaluation (Mughabghab) (4) This studyAverage (3)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 15 AuthorPublication Thermal neutron capture cross section [mb] σ0σ0 σ0gσ0g σ0mσ0m Seren (44)222(44) < 8(3) Pomerance (250) Sehgal (61)270(60)40(10) Mangal (24) Honzatko (20) Tomandl (13) Tomandl (20) Evaluation (Mughabghab) (61)270(60)20(10) This study Averaged cross section 204(10)192(10)12(1) 131 I Production  Thermal neutron capture cross section of 130 Te

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  Thermal neutron cross section : weighted ave. δ 2 and σ γ0 σ  0 = 204(10) mb, δ 2 (25.3 meV) = 0.058(3)  Resonance parameters : JENDL   = 0.06 eV at E R = eV  Higher energy region (31 keV – 20 MeV) : TALYS calculation Fit to σ tot (E), σ  g+m (E), σ  g (E) by fine tuning OMPs, variation of target nucleus level density parameters, etc.  EXFOR entry (Dovbenko) for σ  g (E) : unit in mb (2 nd CRP)  Improve TALYS prediction for σ tot (E) around 1 MeV  Little improve for σ inel (E) and σ  (E)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  A fit to 130 Te+n total reaction cross section  tot (E) A fit (continuous line) Default TALYS result (dash dotted) Fit without normalization (dotted) EXFOR data (symbol).

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  130 Te(n,  ) 131 Te reaction cross section (this work)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  130 Te+n reaction channels cross sections (1 keV - 20 MeV)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  Energy variation of optical model potential depths Other parameters : fixed during the fit (a= fm, r= 1.22 fm, etc). Final OMPs within 2% change from global OMPs

Applied Nuclear Physics Group I Production  Branching ratios for 130 Te(n,  ) 131 Te

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Ir Production  Decay scheme of 192 Ir 1) Odd-odd tri-axially deformed nucleus 192 Ir : isomeric triplet 2) Decay and structure properties for g.s. and 1 st isomeric state : definite 3) 2 nd isomeric state : long-lived isomer First discovery (1959) One(+1?) measurement : discoverer Two measurements on half-life Latest measurement (1991) : theoretical discussion only Spin-parity, level energy and decay : arguments left More measurements needed !

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 23 RadioisotopeHalf-lifeDecay modeMain radiation [keV] (branching ratio) 192m2 Ir241(9) y IT (100%)  -ray CE (0.0974%) ce-L, 142 (74.6%) ce-M+, 153 (24.6%) ce-K, 79.1 (0.65%) 192m1 Ir1.45(5) m β - (0.0175%) IT ( %) CE  -ray ce-L, 43.3 (72.4%) ce-M, 53.5 (21%) ce-N+, 56.0 (6.5%) (0.003%) 192g Ir73.827(13)d β - (95.13%) EC (4.87%)  -rays 71.6 (5.6%) (41.4%) (48%) … (28.7%) (29.7%) (82.7%) (47.8%) … 192 Ir Production  Decay data for ground and isomeric states of 192 Ir

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Ir Production  Thermal neutron capture cross sections of 191 Ir Author Publication date Thermal neutron capture cross section [b] 00 0g0g   0 m1   0 m2 Seren (200)260(104) Harbottle ( ) Keisch (67) 300(30)610(60) Arino (300)300(50) Sims (25) Heft (13) Masyanov (3) Evaluation Mughabghab (10)309(30)645(32)0.16(7) NGATLAS EAF This work962(11)317(58)645(120)0.13(6)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Ir Production  Thermal neutron cross section : weighted ave. σ γ0 isomeric cross sections : branch ratios by Keish(1963)  Resonance parameters : ENDF/B-VI +   = eV at E R = eV  Higher energy region (0.3 keV – 20 MeV) : TALYS calculation Fit to σ  (E) by fine tuning OMPs + normalization  No experimental set for σ tot (E), σ el (E)  TALYS predictions for σ γ g (E), σ γ m1 (E), σ γ m2 (E)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Ir Production  191 Ir(n,  ) 192g,m1,m2 Ir cross sections (this work) Total capture cross section The resolved cross sections for ground state and two isomeric states are given separately.

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Ir Production  TALYS Predicting branching ratios of 191 Ir(n,  ) 192 Ir reaction

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Cu Production  67 Zn(n,p) 67 Cu cross sections (existing libraries + Qaim)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group Cu Production  64 Zn(n,p) 64 Cu cross sections (existing libraries + this CRP)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 30 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 31 P(n,  ) 32 P cross section Sources σ  0 (2200 m/s) [b] Maxwellian(300 K ) [b] Resonance integral [b] Fast cross section [b] Fission Spectrum 14 MeV Mughabghab (evaluation) 0.172(6)0.085(10) ENDF/B-VI   JENDL   This Work0.172(4)   EXFOREXFOR Harris 1950~0.10 Macklin Hayodom (10)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 31 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 104 Ru(n,  ) 105 Ru cross section Sources σ  0 (2200 m/s) [b] Maxwellian (300 K ) [b] Resonance integral [b] Fast cross section [b] Fission Spectrum 14 MeV Mughabghab (evaluation) 0.32(2)4.3(1) ENDF/B-VI   JENDL   This Work0.466(15)   EXFOREXFOR Lantz (4) Linden (3) Ricabarra Bereznai (25) Heft (65)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 32 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 130 Te(n,  ) 131 Te cross section Sources σ  0 (2200 m/s) [b] Maxwellian (300 K ) [b] Resonance integral [b] Fast cross section [b] Fission Spectrum 14 MeV Mughabghab (evaluation of total) 0.290(61)0.46(5) ENDF/B-VI (total)   JENDL-3.3 (total)   This Work total0.204(10)   ground0.192(10)   isomeric0.012(1)   EXFOREXFOR Ricabarra (14) Browne (32) Linden (3)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 33 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 191 Ir(n,  ) 192 Ir cross section Libraries σ  0 (2200 m/s)[b] Maxwellian (300 K ) [b] Resonance integral I 0 [b] Fast cross section [b] Fission14 MeV Mughabghab(evaluation)954(10)3500(100) ENDF/B-VI  JEFF  This Work Total962(11) ),5)  Ground317(58) )  Meta1645(120) ),6)  Meta20.13(6) ) 8.04   EXFOREXFOR Harris (230) 1) Sims (240) 1) Koehler (285) 2), 940(160) 3) Linden (382) 4) Heft (480) 1) Masyanov (70) 1)

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 34 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 191 Ir(n,  ) 192 Ir cross section 1) Lower limit of resonance integral = 0.5 eV, 2) Lower limit of resonance integral = 0.62 eV, 3) Value for the 1st isomeric state with lower integral limit 0.62 eV, 4) Lower limit of resonance integral = 0.55 eV, 5) I 0 tot (0.50eV) = 3558 b, I0tot(0.62eV) = 2940 b, 6) I 0 m1 (0.62eV) = 1969 b.

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 35 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 67 Zn(n,p) 67 Cu cross section Sources Spectrum averaged cross section [mb] FissionCf-252 *) Others Library Qaim calculation (STAPRE) [47] **) JEFF-3.1/A [21] **) JENDL-Act.[46] **) EvaluationCalamand 1974 [49]1.07(4) MeasurementHoribe 1989 [48]1.01(9) Brodskaja (7) Spahn 2004 [50]5.13(87)  ) *) Cf-252 neutron spectrum with effective temperature T=1.42 MeV and integration limit from 1 keV to 20 MeV were used. **) 14 MeV neutron spectrum with the same integration limit was used.  ) 14 MeV d(Be) neutron spectrum.

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 36 Validation and Integral Quantities  Integral quantities for 64 Zn(n,p) 64 Cu cross section Sources Spectrum averaged cross section [mb] FissionCf-252 *) Others LibraryRNAL (Qaim adoption) **) JEF **) IRDF **) RRDF-2006 [51] **) EvaluationCalamand 1974 [49]31.0(23) Mannhart 1989 [53]40.47(75) Mannhart 2003 [54]40.59(67) MeasurementCohen 2005 [52]37.4(14) Kobayashi (18) Benabdallah (15) Kobayashi (17) Spahn 2004 [50]132(25)  )

Applied Nuclear Physics Group 37 Much thanks to Dr. Dad. Jean Sublet, Arjan Koning, and Everyone !!!