Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #1 Steffen A. Bass Duke University & RIKEN-BNL Research Center The baryon puzzle at RHIC Recombination + Fragmentation Model Results: single particle observables, correlations & entropy Dynamics of Hadronization: Interplay of Fragmentation and Recombination R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B. Mueller & S.A. Bass, PRL (2003) R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B. Mueller & S.A. Bass, PRC (2003) C. Nonaka, B. Mueller, M. Asakawa, S.A. Bass & R.J. Fries, PRC (2004) R.J. Fries, S.A. Bass & B. Mueller, PRL in print (nucl-th/ ) C. Nonaka, B. Mueller, S.A. Bass & M. Asakawa, nucl-th/
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #2 Standard Model of Hadronization initial state pre-equilibrium QGP and hydrodynamic expansion hadronization hadronic phase and freeze-out low p t : hadron yields & ratios fit with a SM: spectra via Hydro: high p t : pQCD is applicable, hadronization via fragmentation a fast parton fragments via a color string: a h+X hadron spectrum is given by: ?
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #3 The baryon RHIC where does the large proton over pion ratio at high p t come from? why do protons not exhibit the same suppression as pions? fragmentation yields N p /N π <<1 fragmentation starts with a single fast parton: energy loss affects pions and protons in the same way! ratio of KKP fragmentation functions for p and π from u quarks
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #4 Species dependent saturation of elliptic flow hyperon v 2 saturates later and higher than kaon v 2. same effect observed for protons and pions. at low p T the phenomenology seems better described in m T – m 0 than p T, indicating hydro scaling, yet scaling breaks down for high p T what drives the different p T scales for K S and Λ v 2 ? novel mechanism of baryon formation?
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #5 Recombination+Fragmentation Model basic assumptions: at low p t, the quarks and antiquark spectrum is thermal and they recombine into hadrons locally “at an instant”: features of the parton spectrum are shifted to higher p t in the hadron spectrum at high p t, the parton spectrum is given by a pQCD power law, partons suffer jet energy loss and hadrons are formed via fragmentation of quarks and gluons
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #6 Recombination: Pro’s & Con’s Pro’s: for exponential parton spectrum, recombination is more effective than fragmentation baryons are shifted to higher p t than mesons, for same quark distribution understand behavior of protons! Con’s: simple recombination may violate entropy conservation gluons at hadronization need to be converted recombining partons: p 1 +p 2 =p h fragmenting parton: p h = z p, z<1
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #7 Recombination: new life for an old idea High Energy Physics Phenomenology: K.P. Das & R.C. Hwa, Phys. Lett. B68, 459 (1977) Quark-Antiquark Recombination in the Fragmentation Region description of leading particle effect T. Ochiai, Prog. Theo. Phys. 75, 1184 (1986) E. Braaten, Y. Jia & T. Mehen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002) R. Rapp & E.V. Shuryak, Phys. Rev. D67, (2003) Heavy-Ion Phenomenology: T. S. Biro, P. Levai & J. Zimanyi, Phys. Lett. B347, 6 (1995) ALCOR: a dynamical model for hadronization yields and ratios via counting of constituent quarks R.C. Hwa & C.B. Yang, Phys. Rev. C66, (2002) R. Fries, B. Mueller, C. Nonaka & S.A. Bass, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 V. Greco, C.M. Ko and P. Levai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 Anisotropic flow: S. Voloshin, QM2002, Nucl. Phys. A715, 379 (2003) Z.W. Lin & C.M. Ko, Phys. Rev. Lett 89, (2002) D. Molnar & S. Voloshin, Phys. Rev. Lett 91, (2003)
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #8 Recombination: nonrelativistic formalism use thermal quark spectrum given by: w(p) = exp(-p/T) for a Gaussian meson wave function with momentum width Λ M, the meson spectrum is obtained as: similarly for baryons:
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #9 Recombination: relativistic formalism choose a hypersurface Σ for hadronization use local light cone coordinates (hadron defining the + axis) w a (r,p): single particle Wigner function for quarks at hadronization Ф M & Ф B : light-cone wave-functions for the meson & baryon respectively x, x’ & (1-x): momentum fractions carried by the quarks integrating out transverse degrees of freedom yields:
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #10 Recombination vs. Fragmentation Fragmentation… … but it wins out at large p T, when the spectrum is a power law ~ (p T ) -b : … never competes with recombination for a thermal (exponential) spectrum:
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #11 Hadron Spectra
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #12 Hadron Ratios vs. p t
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #13 Flavor Dependence of high-p t Suppression R+F model describes different R AA behavior of protons and pions in the fragmentation region all hadron flavors exhibit jet-quenching
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #14 anisotropic or “elliptic” flow is sensitive to initial geometry Elliptic Flow more flow in collision plane than perpendicular to it less absorption in collision plane than perpendicular to it low p t domain:high p t domain: total elliptic flow is the sum of both contributions: r(p t ): relative weight of the fragmentation contribution in spectra
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #15 Parton Number Scaling of v 2 smoking gun for recombination measurement of partonic v 2 ! in leading order of v 2, recombination predicts:
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #16 Resonance v 2 : scaling violations QGP resonances: hadronizing QGP, no rescattering HG resonances: hadronic phase, h-h rescattering Key: v 2 is additive for composite particles quarks n=2 scaling n=4 scaling Total is determined by experiments and related to width of particles and cross section in the hadronic medium.
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #17 Two-Particle Correlations: a Challenge? PHENIX & STAR measure associated yields in p T windows of a few GeV/c. trigger hadron A, associated hadron B: associated yield as a function of relative azimuthal angle clear jet-like structure observed at intermediate p T very similar to p+p; jet fragmentation? analyze as function of integrated yield: simple recombination of uncorrelated thermal quarks cannot reproduce two particle correlations
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #18 Recombination: Inclusion of Correlations Recombination approach allows for two particle correlations, provided they are contained in the parton source distributions Three distinct types are conceivable: F-F, SH-F and SS-SS Ansatz for SS-SS: for two mesons, use product of correlated parton distributions: Which results in a correlated two hadron yield:
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #19 Correlations: Proof of Principle Meson-triggerBaryon-trigger strong correlations from fragmentation, but suppressed by soft triggers combination of hard fragmentation and soft recombination correlations with a fixed correlation volume is compatible with data
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #20 Recombination: Entropy Puzzle Does recombination violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics ? –particle number decreases drastically in hadronization via reco… restrict reco approach to intermediate momenta, ignore bulk… decay of hadronic resonances as possible solution (Greco et al.) need estimate of entropy at hadronization quark recombination hadronization
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #21 1) resonance gas model: –massless particles: –massive particles: Entropy in the Hadronic Phase entropy content is larger than often assumed! : resonances : ground state MeV : bosons : fermions ) final state entropy from data: Pal & Pratt, PLB578,310 (2004) STAR: PRC68, (2003) Hydro+UrQMD calculations indicate a 5% increase in multiplicity due to rescattering in the hadronic phase
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #22 Entropy in the Deconfined Phase Lattice QCD [CP-PACS with N t =6 & N f =2] systematic uncertainties include: thermodynamic limit, continuum limit, unphysically large quark mass… entropy content of the deconfined phase near T C is strongly reduced due to interactions!
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #23 Entropy Puzzle resolved? No direct comparison of the entropy content of both phases: – Volume at hadronization ? – Number of quarks on the lattice ? S H is larger than often assumed. S Q near T C is strongly reduced due to interactions. Recombination may be compatible with the entropy constraint after all! ? Quark PhaseHadron Phase
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #24 Summary & Outlook The Recombination + Fragmentation Model: provides a natural solution to the baryon puzzle at RHIC describes the intermediate and high p t range of hadron ratios & spectra jet-quenching phenomena elliptic flow leading / next-to-leading particle correlations issues to be addressed in the future: treatment of gluons & higher Fock states (work in progress) realistic space-time dynamics of parton source need improved data of identified hadrons at high p t
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #25 The End
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #26 transverse momentum p t time Connecting the dots … initial state pre-equilibrium QGP and hydrodynamic expansion hadronization hadronic phase and freeze-out shattered color-glas jet production hydrodynamic evolution jet quenching parton recombination fragmentation reco/SM? radial flow HBT ?!
Steffen A. BassDynamics of Hadronization #27 Parton Number Scaling of Elliptic Flow in the recombination regime, meson and baryon v 2 can be obtained from the parton v 2 in the following way: neglecting quadratic and cubic terms, one finds a simple scaling law: