Shore Station1 EFNI H K Shore Station Block diagram Form factor Power setup Special for BARI Special for MILOM Planning Outcome of brainstorm sessions at NIKHEF about the Shore Station.
Shore Station2 EFNI H K Shore station diagram MUX DMUX 12x 80/20 filterbox DWDM-module DWDM-boardSX2SMB GbE SwitchShore Patch Panel o e SMB LEDs e o o o o/e SCM MLCM1 MLCM2 MLCM3 MLCM4 MLCM5 LINEx Rx Tx o/e Spy LINE2 LINE12 LINE1 Power; 48V 3.6A 5V 45A 3V3 7.5A 80/20
Shore Station3 EFNI H K Power / crate trim 100µ 10µ +Vin -Vin enable +5V +3V3 gnd trim 10µ 100µ 2µ2 trim 48V gnd 5V/10A/crate 3V3/600mA/crate gnd 48V/300mA/crate 5k 48V/10A/cabinet gnd 220Vac
Shore Station4 EFNI H K MLCM1MLCM2MLCM3MLCM4MLCM5SCM Rx Tx Spy FILTER MLCM1MLCM2MLCM3MLCM4MLCM5SCM Rx Tx Spy Airflow Crate of LINEx Height determined by DWDM-board. ~54mm width Space for fiber storage Shore Station Form factor 19”cabinet ~420mm width Airflow has to be possible Filterbox with MUX/DMUX/splitter ~40mm width Two cabinets 6 Lines/cabinet 1 power supply/cabinet Air Fan/cabinet
Shore Station5 EFNI H K Shore part for module integration (BARI) MLCMSCM RxTx 220Vac deMUX DWDM-board LEDs DWDM-board LEDs SX2SMB LEDs FX2SMB LEDs 48V 5V 3V3 5V 48V 5V 3V3 5V 48V/.1A 5V/3A 3V3/.2A GbE Switch Tx PC Optical conn. SMB Wired connector RJ45 RJ45 fiber
Shore Station6 EFNI H K Shore part for MILOM MLCMSCM Rx 220Vac deMUX DWDM-board LEDs DWDM-board LEDs SX2SMB LEDs FX2SMB LEDs 48V 5V 3V3 5V 48V 5V 3V3 5V 48V/.1A 5V/3A 3V3/.2A GbE Switch Tx PC MUX Optical conn. SMB Wired connector RJ45 RJ45 fiber Spy 80/20
Shore Station7 EFNI H K Form factor for the BARI & MILOM solution DWDM board with contra connection 48V and 5V connection 3V3 low drop regulator Converter box 19” frame with 220ac to 48V.75A adapter 220Vac to 5Vdc 5A adapter Space for 2 filters and spy components 2 carrier boards (2*BARI, 2*MILOM, 2*spare) with 19” frame with 220ac to 48V.75A adapter 220Vac to 5Vdc 5A adapter Space for 2 filter and spy components 2 converter boxes (3*2-BARI,MILOM and spare) 2 carrier boards (3*2-BARI, MILOM and spare) with DWDM board with contra connection 48V and 5V connection 3V3 low drop regulator OR
Shore Station8 EFNI H K Planning Example based on planning of Q20042Q20043Q20044Q20041Q20052Q20053Q2005 Design Components for MILOM for LINE1 for LINE2 for LINE3 for LINE4 for LINE5 1/09/04 20/11/04 10/2/05 10/06/05 5/07/05 4Q20051Q2006 5/09/05 for LINE6 5/10/05 for LINE7 1/11/05 for LINE8 10/12/05 for LINE9 for LINE10 for LINE11 27/12/05 1/02/06 25/02/06 for LINE12 1/04/06 2ch. for Bari 1/06/04 Des. Comp.
Shore Station9 EFNI H K Open issues, conclusion Conclusion; Realizable in time Open issues; 1.Connection to switch, copper or fiber, for line stations? 2.Cabinets available? 3.Cabinets heat capacity (250W/cabinet)? 4.Cable lengths between cabinets and patchpanel and switch? 5.12 Lines + Instrumentation line (total of 13?) 6.Where are the temporally shore equivalents? 7.PSL is left out of this schedule, it is self supporting (2 temp. shore stations).