© PEP 2005 All rights reserved “Business Development Programs & Tools ” Harvesting the Value of Innovation Courtney Price, Ph.D.
© PEP 2005 Mission “Harvest the value of innovation and technology to create enduring companies.”
© PEP 2005 History Founded in 1988 as PEP (Premier Entrepreneurship Programs) Selected by the Kauffman Foundation as the “best entrepreneurship training initiative in America” Programs used by over 200,000 participants worldwide Founders authored the Internationally recognized Premier FastTrac programs Consult with federal labs, technology companies, and universities Broad industry and organization experience through strategic alliances and association relationships
© PEP 2005 Lab Commercialization Projects Managing Intellectual Property Guide (LANL) Management Overview: Accelerating Technology Commercialization (LLNL) Technology Commercialization Overview (for PIs and researchers) (ORNL) Technology Opportunity Assessment (LLNL) Market Validation (LANL) Commercialization Plans (DOE) Licensing Guide for Technology Valuation (LLNL) Technology Opportunity Presentation Toolbox (NASA) Technology Portfolio Evaluation Tool (ARN)
© PEP 2005 Six-Step Commercialization Process Think 1. Idea Generation Screen 2. Pre- screening Protect 3. Idea Protection Assess 4. Business and Market Development Validate 5. Product Development and Testing Execute 6. Commercial- ization Strategy ©PEP 2005 Scientific discovery Opportunity discovery Customer- driven problem solving Laboratory notebooks Disclosure forms Technical evaluation Lab prototype? Business Concept Seven-Step Opportunity Evaluation Model Opportunity Patent Copyright Trademark Trade secret Opportunity Assessment Executive Summary Innovation Team Product/ Service Analysis Market Strategy Financial Projections Valuation Analysis Market Validation Experts Competitors Customers Licensees Customer prototype Beta test Refinement Maturation Commercialization Plan Licensing Bartering Work-for- hire R&D funding Spin-in Business Plan Spin-out Joint Venture Strategic Partnership
© PEP 2005 Technology Commercialization Challenges Old Method Regulatory Legalistic Risk Adverse Adversarial New Model Navigate around regulations Build realistic expectations Customer Focus PI’s Advocate
© PEP 2005 Successful Commercialization Practices Educate Researchers about commercialization Measure and track Researcher’s satisfaction with technology transfer program Obtain Group Leaders support Involve Researchers on assessing commercial potential Provide Tech Mat funds Use graduate interns to validate market assumptions Publicize successes Use Quick Screening Tools
© PEP 2005 Model Technology Evaluation Tool Speciallly designed software to measure: Institutional Support for Deployment IP Protection and Strength Product/Service Features Market Characteristics Competitive Technologies Commercialization Potential Value to Argonne 26 Characteristics
© PEP 2005 Model Technology Evaluation Tool Results: Highlights technology’s the strengths and weakness Demonstrates to researchers the true value of a technology Indicates how to maturate the technology to increase its licensing potential. Provides a set of protocols that technology managers, researchers, licensees, and division managers can use to evaluate the potential success of commercializing the technology Is a triage tool for decision-making and documents reasons for rejecting or supporting a technology Avoids creating unrealistic expectations about the technology’s commercialization potential among those creating and licensing it