F OCUS ON P RONUNCIATION Review and Chapter 4: Syllables
T ODAY Plan: 1. Review Chapter 3 Vocabulary and Pronunciation rules 2. Complete Chapter 3 Communicative Practice 3. Chapter 4, part 1 * Reminder: Quiz next Tuesday 7/3 on Chapter 3 and 4, including all pronunciation rules and vocabulary knowledge.
O BJECTIVES (G OALS ) 1. Today students will successfully review chapter 3 consonant sounds in order to comprehensibly discuss a hypothetical evacuation. 2. Today students will successfully understand and produce syllables and word endings in order to comprehensibly read a text out loud.
V OCABULARY R EVIEW Directions: 1. Try to answer the questions to your assigned vocabulary words. Talk with your group about each question. If you don’t know the answers, or don’t have an opinion, just skip it. 2. Finish answering the questions at home in preparation for your quiz next Tuesday. We will go over the answers briefly on Thursday
E VACUATE ! Directions: Discuss these questions with your partners: 1. Have you ever been in an emergency like a natural disaster or a fire? If yes, please explain. 2. Have you ever had to leave your home and move to a safe place? If yes, please explain 3. What do people usually take with them from their home when they need to evacuate? 4. What would you take if you had to evacuate from your home today?
E VACUATE ! 1. text p Read the directions on p Read the list of items of p Should we add anything to the list? 5. Read the directions on the hand out. 6. Complete your personal ranking before you discuss the “family ranking” with your classmates. 7. Be prepared to share and defend your ranking.
F OCUS ON P RONUNCIATION Chapter 4: Syllables
C HAPTER 4: S YLLABLES How many syllables (beats) are in my first name? Amanda A- man- da How many syllables (beats) are in my last name name? Wilder Wil- der Wi- il- der How many syllables are in your name(s)? Share with your group.
L ISTENING A CTIVITY 1, P. 38 Colors Discuss these questions with your partners: 1. Are you attracted to certain colors? Which colors and why? 2. Does the mood (depressed, thrilled, focused, etc…) you are in affect your color preferences ? 3. What color(s) do you think are best for a kitchen? For a bedroom? For an office? For a classroom?
L ISTENING 2 V OCABULARY Preference Researching Decorating Packaging Consumer Industrial Extroverted Charming Intellectual Conservative
F INAL / S / SOUND When speaking English, the final /s/ ending in third person can have three different sounds: 1. /s/ as in sings 2. /z/ as in tells 3. /iz/ as in watches
A RTICULATION (H OW DO YOU SAY IT ) /s/ Placement: The tip of the tongue is close to the gum behind the top teeth. Manner: air flows between the tongue and the gum. Voice: /s/ is a voiceless sound (no vibration) Examples: sings, tastes, makes… Hint: sound of a snake; sssss)
A RTICULATION (H OW DO YOU SAY IT ) /z/ Placement: The tip of the tongue is close to the gum behind the top teeth. Manner: air flows between the tongue and the gum. Voice: /z/ is voiced (place hand on the throat to feel the vibration) Examples: saves, lives, listens (hint: sound of a bee: zzzzzz)
A RTICULATION (H OW DO YOU SAY IT ) /iz/ Placement and Manner: same as the /z/ sound with a short /i/ as in is : pronounced as a separate syllable /iz/. Voice: /iz/ is voiced (place hand on the throat to feel the vibration) Examples: wishes, watches, buzzes
R ULES FOR FINAL S 1. When the last sound in the base word ends in a voiceless sound, use the voiceless ending /s/. 2. When the last sound in the base word ends in a voiced (vibrated) sound, use the voiced ending /z/. 3. When the last sound in the base word ends in /s/, /z/, / ʃ /, /t ͡ʃ / /zh/ and /j/ /d ͡ʒ /
W ORD P RACTICE : Listen and Repeat these words. Put your hand on your throat to hear the voiced and voiceless sounds. /s//z//iz/ EatsReadsWashes SweepsWearsUses CooksCleansJudges CutsDrivesFixes TypesSchedulesTeaches BakesPlaysReplaces
W ORD P RACTICE : Listen and Repeat these sentences, practicing the sound of final /s/. Put your hand on your throat to hear the voiced and voiceless sounds. **Bonus Sentence! The sales clerk sells dresses, blouses, shoes, neckties, and suits. /s//z//iz/ A chef bakes cakes.She saves money.Susan wishes. Sonya sleeps late.The teacher listens.He watches them. She drives a truck.He reads books.A Mechanic fixes cars.