STEREOTYPES are the perceptions, beliefs, and expectations a person has about members of some group. STEREOTYPES are the perceptions, beliefs, and expectations a person has about members of some group. PREJUDICE is a positive or negative attitude toward an individual base simply on his or her membership in some group. PREJUDICE is a positive or negative attitude toward an individual base simply on his or her membership in some group.
PREJUDICE Cognitive component (steriotype thinking) Cognitive component (steriotype thinking) Affective component (feelings) Affective component (feelings) Behavioral component (discrimination) Behavioral component (discrimination) Discrimination is differential treatment of individuals who belong to different groups
THEORIES OF PREJUDICE Motivational theories: Authoritarian parenting= authoritarian personality. Motivational theories: Authoritarian parenting= authoritarian personality. Identification with their in-group. Cognitives theories: Social cathegories. Cognitives theories: Social cathegories. Illusory correlation. Learning theories: Prejudice can be learned. Learning theories: Prejudice can be learned.
CULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM Individualism Vs Collectivism. Individualism Vs Collectivism. Power Distance. Power Distance. Uncertainty avoidance. Uncertainty avoidance. Masculinity Vs Femininity. Masculinity Vs Femininity.