HOW DOES HE SHOCK/PREPARE THEM FROM THE BEGINNING? Throw away the TV.- Preparing them for the time commitment Alternative entertainment Time management and putting education first An alternative to mainstream popular culture The value of sacrifice -principle of success ‘The value of hard work
HOW DOES HE SHOCK/PREPARE THEM FROM THE BEGINNING? Prepares them for the seriousness of the class experience, and conveys of hard work. Prepares them for the value that education is your priority. Time management and valuing time-Becomes conscious of how you are using your time. Creates more time for the books and can see the books as fun Reinforces the values placed on the wall-There are no shortcuts. From day one makes it clear that there are high expectations for everybody.
WHAT ADVANTAGES DO YOU HAVE WHEN YOU INTEGRATE YOUR PASSION? Students pick up on the excitement-Modeling enthusiasm Could be more committed to student learning. As a teacher you are likely to put in more time and have more creative ideas related to the material. You know more about the material and ideas related to instruction are likely to come easier. More likely to have high standards for learning and then be patient with the students as they meet the standards. More likely to find additional material, additional instructional resources. –outside of the classroom resources You will know people who share the passion that you have.
WHAT ADVANTAGES DO YOU HAVE WHEN YOU INTEGRATE YOUR PASSION? You’re likely to have considerably more knowledge about the subject- You are modeling interest and enthusiasm Passion can be passed on to the students You will be more familiar with the learning process related to that area. The passion conveys the importance of the subject. Better able to apply the material to real life.- Community of Practice-wherein you will know other people who share that passion-
WHAT ARE THE LITERARY THEMES AND HOW DO THEY HELP? Themes related to the literature relate to the values he is emphasizing in the classroom Literature is an opportunity to try out those values. Youth who are in crisis situations.-This helps the students to reflect on how to handle difficult situations. Makes thematic connections to the students’ lives. Helps them to identify with the material.
WHAT ARE THE LITERARY THEMES AND HOW DO THEY HELP Theme of children in crisis situations Reading can be a kind of problem solving Connects to the challenges the students face outside of the classroom. An opportunity to prepare students for future situations-Follower or leader?=Be yourself, or what other people want you to be. Transition to being a young adult- Even more relevant because of the themes of crisis and the challenges the charcters
HOW DOES HE USE READING TO HELP STUDENTS PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE? Gives them an opportunity to reflect on some of the harsher realities of life. Helps prepare them to use language at a higher level. Develops a love for reading Strategies for understanding material that they might not understand at first. The testing of their beliefs.-Will they be a follower or a leader—Decision making.
“IT’S NOT ABOUT SHAKESPEARE” It’s about the life lessons that can be taught when Shakespeare is vehicle of instruction-and other elements that are necessary for success. It is a chance to observe the impressive achievement of students. The learning of language at an impressive level, because they have to know the meaning. Put into practice the language learning skills that the students already possess. Reinforces the value of hard work Gives them confidence for future challenges- Multiple intelligences-many different ways of being engaged. -Embodying the knowledge and the language-Can create a more profound level of learning. Prepares them for teamwork and being able to work with others.
“HE’S HAMLET” Deeper knowledge of Shakespeare-Alternative perception allows Rafe to see the student as more appropriate because he has had problems.
HE’S HAMLET!!!- Rafe looks to the specific material versus the reputation of Shakespeare. Rafe was looking at what he observed to be the strengths of the students and how those strengths can be build upon. Rafe observed the asking of questions as a fundamental strength and encouraged it. Shakespeare is a vehicle through which students can learn about themselves-The variety of disciplines- rehearsal, practice-help the students to develop confidence for facing a challenge- Teamwork, the ability to work with others. The importance of developing your vocabulary
“ENVIRONMENT OF EXCELLENCE” Multiple Levels of (Values) Reinforcement -Beginning of class-”Throw away the television” Literature Instruction-rehearse the values through characters in crisis Shakespeare a vehicle for teaching values Even class games, Saturdays and holidays.
WHY IS RAFE NOT APPRECIATED IN HIS SCHOOL? Possibly makes the other teachers feel less validated about what they are doing. His ideas and practices challenge the comfort zones of the other faculty members.
TRAVEL/EVENTS WHAT IS LEARNED ? Exposure to what is available through success in education- Exposure to what is expected in the larger society