European colonists who first saw the Great Zimbabwe could not believe the Africans, who were considered inferior, could have built these great structures. Video Clip Zimbabwe Ruins Through Racist Eyes Zimbabwe__Lost_City_of_Africa_.asf Zimbabwe__Lost_City_of_Africa_.asf
Imperialism means to create an empire between many countries or regions. In order to create an empire, one country must take over another country and make it apart of their country. Usually, countries try to create empires to A. gain more land B. gain more or better resources C. gain new people or to gain slaves
Take a look at the map, What 2 continents is Northern Africa closest too? Who do you think their most likely trade partners would be? Why wouldn’t they be as likely to trade with North and South America?
A civilization is a society with cities, a government, social classes and usually include architecture, writing, and art. The earliest civilizations in Africa rose up along the major rivers such as the Nile and the Niger rivers. These were powerful kingdoms complete with armies and they had trade routes across the deserts.
Ever heard of Timbuktu? It was a real kingdom on the Niger River.
The power of the North African kingdoms was based on trading across the Sinai Peninsula with Asia and across the Med. With Europe. The power of the West African kingdoms was based on gold and salt. Have you ever heard the expression, “he is worth his salt?” or “He is worth his weight in gold?” That’s how you would get paid back then, based on your weight and your worth.
Until the 1400’s, the Europeans and the Asians traded fairly with the African kingdoms. But, in 1492, something happened that changed the world. A man named Christopher Columbus “discovered” the Americas. After that, the Europeans began colonizing and taking over Africa.
The Europeans were looking for 3 things in Africa: 1.Land to expand their empires 2.Natural Resources such as gold, salt, and timber 3.Slaves for their new plantations in the Americas
European colonialism in Africa The_Scramble_for_African_Colonies_.asf The_Scramble_for_African_Colonies_.asf
In a very short time Europe took over a large portion of Africa. They used the spread of their advanced society to justify the taking of the resources available in Africa. European_Imperialism_in_Africa.wmv European_Imperialism_in_Africa.wmv
1. What were the Europeans looking for in Africa? 2. Why did the Europeans go from being merchants to being colonizers? 3. What does it mean to colonize another country? 4. Why did the European colonizing of Africa cause problems?
1. The Europeans took natural resources out of Africa and didn’t pay the people for these resources. 2. The Europeans favored some ethnic groups more than others which led to more resentment. 3. The Europeans did some positive things such as establish hospitals, schools, roads, and railroads.
Some of the worst oppression at the hands of the Europeans occurred in the Congo. Natives of the Congo were forced to harvest ivory and rubber for European profit. Video Clip The_Congo_and_The_Heart_of_Darkness.asf The_Congo_and_The_Heart_of_Darkness.asf
1. Wars in Europe caused major damage and money had to go to repairs. a.World War I b.World War II After world war II, many European countries could not afford to keep their colonies. 3. Nationalism – A fierce belief in and devotion to one’s country
1. Beginning in the early 1900’s many African leaders were educated in Europe. 2. These leaders saw the way that things could be done and they wanted these things for Africa. 3. These leaders took these ideas back to Africa and began several nationalist movements.
Pan African movement – Nationalism 1. The Pan African movement called for all Africans to come together and demand their independence. 2. Their hope was that the people of Africa would rise up and overcome the Europeans. 3. Beginning in the 1950’s and lasting until the 1970’s, African nations slowly began gaining their independence.
The Road to post colonization hasn’t always been easy. 1. There was ethnic conflict due to long standing rivalries between ethnic groups. 2. Different ethnic groups competed with one another to control their new countries. 3. This sometimes led to genocide – the mass killing of people from one ethnic, political, or religious group.
4. In some countries, this led to civil war. 5. In other countries, governments put into place policies of segregation. 6. In South Africa, a policy of segregation called apartheid or apartness was put into place. 7. Apartheid separated ethnic groups into 3 categories: white, black, and colored.
1. Blacks and whites did not interact with one another unless it was servant to employer. 2. The best jobs and best education went to the white South Africans. 3. Persons of color (both black and colored) were not allowed to hold office. 4. In 1951, the Bantu Authorities Act assigned blacks to a homeland according to their record of origin.
5. In order for a black to leave their homeland a pass book was required - like a passport. ( citizens of these townships could not enter their own country without a pass book) 6. If caught without passbooks, they could go to jail. 7. Life was very hard for the non-whites in South Africa. 8. Apartheid lasted from the 1920’s until 9. Nelson Mandela lead peaceful protests against the South African government.
10. Mandela started to doubt that this approach would work and started up an armed branch of the ANC. 11. He was classified as a terrorist by the S.A. gov’t and sent to prison for inciting rebellion. 12. He was in jail for 27 years before being released in 1990 by President F. W. DeKlerk. 13. In 1994, Mandela was elected as the first black president of South Africa. 14. Although apartheid ended, South Africa is still struggling to improve their economy for all groups.