Norman Rockwell
Most popular and beloved American artist
Born February 3, 1894 in New York City
When Rockwell was born There were no airplanes, cars, and women could not vote He lived through 2 world wars, the Great Depression, the Baby Boom, the Civil Rights Movement, and more than 12 presidents! His first cover of the Saturday Evening Post earned him 75 cents. 4 years ago one of his paintings sold for over $15 million!
As teenager he delivered mail by bike for 25 cents per day!
Norman left high school after 2 years to attend art school…
At age 22, he illustrated his first cover for the Saturday Evening Post
For the next 47 years, Rockwell’s covers were more famous than the magazine itself!
Norman thought of himself as a storyteller
He told his stories by organizing many details into one picture This painting is called “Surprise”…why ?
Rockwell showed the common man in his everyday world… Doctor Banker Grocer Fireman
Interesting facts yellow Rockwell’s favorite color was red, followed by yellow and green. He painted for the Saturday Evening Post for 47 years. His middle name was Perceval. His style of painting was called Realism. Rockwell looked for real objects and models for his paintings. Friends, neighbors, dogs from the pound, clothes that were actually worn. Once he traded a farmer in a field his own pants plus $4 for the farmers dirty overalls!
“Triple Self-Portrait” “Without thinking too much about specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed.”
“I think I always wanted to be an artist… I certainly can’t remember ever wanting to be anything else.”