Explain the reasons for Global insecurities following WWII.
Fighting for world leadership since 1917 (Russian Revolution) Hitler and Fascism placed rivalry on hold ◦ Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Alliance is impossible. ◦ Opposing National Interests ◦ Combative Leaders (Truman and Stalin) Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.) kept another world War from breaking out.
Coined by Time, Life, and Fortune magazine publisher Henry Luce. Luce thought Americans must “accept whole heartedly our duty and our opportunity as the most powerful and vital nation in the world and in consequence to assert upon the world the full impact of our influence, for such means as we see fit.”
Escaped the destruction of War. ◦ England, France, Germany Russia all greatly weakened by war. Industrial production rose 90% from ◦ Massive government spending responsible for ending The Great Depression, not the New Deal. ◦ People feared what would happen to the economy once the War was over.
Needed an estimated $14 billion in exports to maintain growth. Business men wanted to do business with the Soviets. ◦ As diplomatic relations became increasingly strained, this prospect was lost. ◦ Eastern European markets threatened as well. More motivation to secure and rebuild Europe.
44 allied nations met in Bretton Woods New Hampshire. Developed: ◦ International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (World Bank) ◦ International Monetary Fund America supplied over $7 billion to each, cementing itself as the leader of the world Rebuild. As principal supplier of the funds, USA had large say as to where the money went.
Purposes- rebuild war torn Europe, assist nations in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Stabilized exchange rates. U.S. Leadership- Control where funds went, could reward nations who supported American markets, withhold from nations who didn’t.
Soviets thought aggressive economic programs were designed to destroy communism and create a capitalist world. Refused to join the World Bank or the IMF. ◦ Cut off opportunity to help their own people and Eastern European Neighbors. ◦ Economically Isolated themselves.
The dream of international cooperation! (Wilson’s League of Nations) Very favorable in the United States.
General Assembly- met for the purpose of debate, not to pass judgment on an issue. Security Council- responsible for keeping international peace and security.
5 permanent members- USA, USSR, Great Britain, France and Nationalist China. 6 temporary members- elected on two year terms. Each permanent member had absolute veto power. ◦ Could only censure an act of aggression by one of the member if the aggressor nation abstained from the vote.
Western nations held the power, kept it by controlling which nations were admitted. ◦ Kept Communist China out. East and West Polarization made negotiation impossible.
UN relief agency provided war town Europe and Asia with Billions of dollars in Aid. Adopted the Universal Doctrine of Human Rights in ◦ Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the first US delegates to the UN, played a huge part in UDHR. ◦ Identified and affirmed certain unalienable rights that every human deserves.
The trials of top Nazi officials in World War II. 21/24 of the defendants were found guilty. War crimes and atrocities were brought to light. Nuremberg Principle- No soldier or civilian could be required, or should obey an order- whatever its source- that conflicted with basic humanitarian tenets.
Strengths- provided aid to war torn countries, good step to global peace keeping and cooperation Weaknesses- lacked the authority and means to enforce many of its policies.
Atlantic Charter 1941 promises- ◦ Allies promised to recognize the right of all nations to self determination and renounce all claims to new territories acquired from war. ◦ Promised to hold free democratic elections in all areas taken from the axis powers. ◦ After elections, hand over control to the new governments. ◦ Charter violated when Allies divided Europe to spheres on influence.
Soviet European border was in ruins. ◦ 20 million dead, 70,000 villages destroyed, 25 million people homeless, steel and agriculture production down to half of prewar levels. Wanted to punish Germany, not just the Nazis ◦ USSR and France saw most of Germany’s aggression ◦ Wanted to treat the Germans so harsh for their past actions that future generations wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
Reconstructed a capitalist economy. ◦ Canceled government control of coal mines and other major industries. Guided liberal politicians to top government positions. US advisors began a program of amnesty for former Nazi elite. ◦ Put the Nazi’s in large sectors of business and civil service.
In a state of poverty Soviets took equipment for their own needs. Imposed harsh discipline on inhabitants Took no steps to hand over economy to Germans.
Post World War II the dream was to have a community of nations and potential world peace. ◦ This dream died with Roosevelt. Churchill and Stalin both wanted to keep spheres of influence. ◦ Stalin wanted control over Eastern Europe. ◦ Churchill wanted western style Governments right up to Soviet Border. Churchill Declares- ◦ “An Iron Curtain has descended across the European Continent.